Erik had the procedure done on his lung this morning. Everything went well and we are home and he is sleeping. The doctor is hopeful he was able to get to the correct spot and get several biopsies. I guess in the lung you have to go in sort of blind (only guided by the CAT scan image previously taken). We hope to get the results this Friday. We'd love your prayers that biopsies come back with conclusive data.
Special thanks to Jenni who watched the kids all morning!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Born to Die
One of our favorite musical groups, Shane & Shane, came out with a great Christmas CD this year. We were especially affected by the lyrics to the song, Born to Die. We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and are reminded again of our Savior as we celebrate his life and his death for us.
Born to Die
When the babe was born.
In a manger on the hay.
God saw a veil torn.
He saw Good Friday.
He was born to die.
Gold laid before the Christ.
Incense, His presence is sweet.
Myrrh to signify victory over death's sting.
He was born to die.
It came in a dream.
To Joseph late on night.
That Herod sought the King.
But could not take His life.
He was born to die.
He said, "You won't take my life.
You won't take my life.
You won't take my life...I lay it down."
We came here today to celebrate His birth.
But let us not forget why Jesus came to earth.
He was born to die.
Born to Die
When the babe was born.
In a manger on the hay.
God saw a veil torn.
He saw Good Friday.
He was born to die.
Gold laid before the Christ.
Incense, His presence is sweet.
Myrrh to signify victory over death's sting.
He was born to die.
It came in a dream.
To Joseph late on night.
That Herod sought the King.
But could not take His life.
He was born to die.
He said, "You won't take my life.
You won't take my life.
You won't take my life...I lay it down."
We came here today to celebrate His birth.
But let us not forget why Jesus came to earth.
He was born to die.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Update & Prayer Request
Most people who read this blog probably already know that Erik has been dealing with some sickness for about 6 weeks now. It all started the first weekend in November when he was having some severe chest pain that brought us to the ER. After several hours there, two x-rays and a CAT scan revealed that he had a 2 cm mass in lung. We were told to followup with a specialist. The first thing the specialist wanted to rule out was an atypical case of pneumonia (most pneumonia doesn't locate itself into a mass). So he was treated with high dose antibiotics for 10 days. He seemed to improve but the next x-ray showed the mass still there so he went through another 10 days of antibiotics and then another CAT scan last Monday. After following up with the doctor, the mass is clearly still there and clearly still 2 cm. The doctor is still hopeful that it is just another type of infection but he will be having a bronchoscophy on the 30th to hopefully determine if the area is infection or possibly a tumor. We'd love your prayers for this procedure.
You probably also know that I am pregnant due in mid-January. We found out on Friday that baby boy is breech. Mercia was breech and because my water had broken and she was a footling breech we had to do a c-section. If he does not turn we will be faced with decisions about c-section, external version (to turn him manually from the outside) or delivering breech. We are praying he'll turn on his own!
Anyway, we'd love for your prayers!
You probably also know that I am pregnant due in mid-January. We found out on Friday that baby boy is breech. Mercia was breech and because my water had broken and she was a footling breech we had to do a c-section. If he does not turn we will be faced with decisions about c-section, external version (to turn him manually from the outside) or delivering breech. We are praying he'll turn on his own!
Anyway, we'd love for your prayers!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Birthday

Monday, December 15, 2008
Cotton Blowing
So many, MANY years ago my grandmother invented a game called Cotton Blowing to play at her annual New Years party. It became quite an event with trophies and even a belt given to the five year consecutive winner (who happened to be my uncle Tom's friend Sean for like 8 years in a row). I'll never forget playing it around my grandma's table.

And the final round, we play best out of 3 (which is not part of my grandma's rules). This happens to be a re-match from last year. Except this year my hubby actually won.
When Erik first played the game he loved it and we've been playing it at our Christmas Party. For those of you looking for a bizarre, fun, germ filled game to play at your next party here are the rules:
Everyone lines up around the table so only their heads are sticking up. The leader drops a big cotton ball (the kind from a medicine or vitamin bottle) into the middle of the table. Everyone blows the cotton ball, trying to keep it from going off the table near them. You CANNOT block it with you shoulders and if goes out over your head or shoulder or closest to you, you are out. Pretty basic rules.
Here are some pictures so you get the idea.

Everyone is lined up and the ball has just been dropped.

Great action shot, who has more lung power.

Thank you to those of you who came to our party this year. We love you all so much are so grateful for your friendship.
Friday, December 12, 2008
So I have a few problems and since I know there are LOTS of wonderful Moms out there I thought I could ask for some advice.
Problem 1: SOCKS! When I was growing up my mom used to have a big basket that she would throw all the socks into and I can remember my grandfather folding them when he was watching me when I home sick from school. At least a year ago I was wondering why Mom was never able to fold the socks- well it has become more than abundantly clear to me! With 3 kids all near the same size I put 16 socks into the wash and come out with only 3 pairs (usually the ones that don't match any of their clothes). How does this happen to me? What do you do to keep track of socks that all look alike but are different sizes or just don't seem to have mates?
Problem 2: HAIR ACCESSORIES! I'm sure if you are reading this you know that I'm not talking about my own and since I don't own anything other than a plain black rubber band I seem unable to keep track of the numerous barrettes and colorful rubber bands that my flyaway hair girls need. The other part of the problem is they are constantly getting used are horse harnesses or present wrappers. How do you organize these in a way that works?
Love any comments on this!
Problem 1: SOCKS! When I was growing up my mom used to have a big basket that she would throw all the socks into and I can remember my grandfather folding them when he was watching me when I home sick from school. At least a year ago I was wondering why Mom was never able to fold the socks- well it has become more than abundantly clear to me! With 3 kids all near the same size I put 16 socks into the wash and come out with only 3 pairs (usually the ones that don't match any of their clothes). How does this happen to me? What do you do to keep track of socks that all look alike but are different sizes or just don't seem to have mates?
Problem 2: HAIR ACCESSORIES! I'm sure if you are reading this you know that I'm not talking about my own and since I don't own anything other than a plain black rubber band I seem unable to keep track of the numerous barrettes and colorful rubber bands that my flyaway hair girls need. The other part of the problem is they are constantly getting used are horse harnesses or present wrappers. How do you organize these in a way that works?
Love any comments on this!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
8 Years
My God given desire is to be united in a covenant before God with you, Erik, not just in the flesh, but utmost in the Spirit, for the purpose of glorifying God. I realize and accept the amazing truth, that only by the grace and power of God will I be able to die to myself with a Christlike attitude, place you above myself, and keep God at the cornerstone of our marriage. By this grace, I, Jerusha, promise to be your faithful wife, to love and serve you as Christ commands, as long as I shall live. Therefore, I commit my entire life, all my love for you, and our marriage passionately to God, humbly asking Him, in the name, which is above every name, to preserve it and use it for His glory.
Thank you, Love, for 8 wonderful years of marriage. Thank you for keeping God at the cornerstone of our marriage.
All God, All Grace, All For His Glory
Thank you, Love, for 8 wonderful years of marriage. Thank you for keeping God at the cornerstone of our marriage.
All God, All Grace, All For His Glory
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Product vs. Process
My oldest, dear sweet Karis, turned 5 on November 15th. For her birthday, I've been sewing her new curtains for her room and drapes for her canopy bed. With some health issues going on with Erik I haven't had the time to work on these as quickly as I wanted but I finally finished them! It felt so good to have produced something. I get HUGE satisfaction out of being productive.
As I was reflecting on my satisfaction in my completed job the Lord brought to me a basic problem with my thinking. The role he has called me to has less to do with the product and more to do with the process. It is less about the clean house and more about how it gets clean. It is less about seemingly obedient children and more faithful, joyful mothering.
Genesis 4 gives the lineage of Cain, who murdered his brother. In verses 21-22, we read about those who came from Cain and see they are known by what they do, one who plays the lyre and pipe, forger of bronze and iron. In contrast, Genesis 5 gives the lineage of Seth, who was a child of promise, in verse 24 it tells of Enoch. "Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him." I've long been challenged by these verses. Am I known by what I do, what I produce? Or by whose I am, who I walk with?
In these days with small children it is so easy to get satisfaction from the wrong places. A very wise pastor's wife encouraged me the other day when she shared from Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." She pointed out the emphasis in the verse is not the on the outcome of the good but on the not giving up. How I desire to not give up in doing good. It is only by his grace that any of us with reap the harvest we desire. Peace, rest, satisfaction need to come from Him alone.
As I was reflecting on my satisfaction in my completed job the Lord brought to me a basic problem with my thinking. The role he has called me to has less to do with the product and more to do with the process. It is less about the clean house and more about how it gets clean. It is less about seemingly obedient children and more faithful, joyful mothering.
Genesis 4 gives the lineage of Cain, who murdered his brother. In verses 21-22, we read about those who came from Cain and see they are known by what they do, one who plays the lyre and pipe, forger of bronze and iron. In contrast, Genesis 5 gives the lineage of Seth, who was a child of promise, in verse 24 it tells of Enoch. "Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him." I've long been challenged by these verses. Am I known by what I do, what I produce? Or by whose I am, who I walk with?
In these days with small children it is so easy to get satisfaction from the wrong places. A very wise pastor's wife encouraged me the other day when she shared from Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." She pointed out the emphasis in the verse is not the on the outcome of the good but on the not giving up. How I desire to not give up in doing good. It is only by his grace that any of us with reap the harvest we desire. Peace, rest, satisfaction need to come from Him alone.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Birthday Girl
5 Years Old- Amazing Girl that we just adore!

Photo Credit: Peter Bang, very talented, very godly man.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Our dear friends, Dave & Heather's 5 week old daughter, Aliva, went to be with the Lord this past Sunday evening. She was a beautiful little girl that is dearly loved by her family and friends. It is a time of immeasurable grief for them. Please keep them in your prayers in the days and months and years ahead.
My other dear friend Kriscinda, whose son Micah has been with Jesus over a year posted this link on her blog. I thought it was so excellent I wanted to post it here.
And to keep our eyes upward through is time:
How firm a foundation you saints of the Lord
is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He has said,
to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
“Fear not, I am with you, O be not dismayed;
For I am your God and will still give you aid;
I’ll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand,
upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.
When through the deep waters
I call you to go,
The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow.
For I will be with you,
your troubles to bless,
and sanctify to you your deepest distress.
is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He has said,
to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
“Fear not, I am with you, O be not dismayed;
For I am your God and will still give you aid;
I’ll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand,
upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.
When through the deep waters
I call you to go,
The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow.
For I will be with you,
your troubles to bless,
and sanctify to you your deepest distress.
The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to his foes.
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.”
I will not, I will not desert to his foes.
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.”

Aliva with her two big sisters.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
October 31st Events
Every year our church hosts a Harvest Party on October 31st. It is a nice event for young kids, they get to dress up and there are lots of games all over the church and you win candy as a prize just for playing. A few months ago I heard they might not have so I started thinking of ways the kids could dress up and bless other people, instead of just receiving candy. One idea I had was to go to a nursing home and give out presents to the people there. It turns out there is a Senior Day Center right down the street from us, connected to the county library. So yesterday the kids dressed up in their costumes and we went to visit the people at the Senior Center and give out candy to them. The Dabbs joined us and it was a lot of fun. We all really enjoyed being able to visit with the Seniors and the kids loved chasing down every person they could find to give them candy, stickers and crafts. I had my camera but totally forgot to take pictures while we were there. I did take some at the library though and then later at the Harvest Party (which did actually take place).
I made this dress for Karis a few years ago and though it was pretty big on her Mercia dressed up as a prairie girl. Her hair was in braids for about 10 minutes, when she discovered it.

This year I made a Williamsburg Colonial Girl Dress for Karis. Jotham was a fireman. That morning he wanted to be a bear but since I didn't have any fur on hand I couldn't make a new costume for him.

The Harvest Party is great for Jotham, lots of throwing.
I made this dress for Karis a few years ago and though it was pretty big on her Mercia dressed up as a prairie girl. Her hair was in braids for about 10 minutes, when she discovered it.

This year I made a Williamsburg Colonial Girl Dress for Karis. Jotham was a fireman. That morning he wanted to be a bear but since I didn't have any fur on hand I couldn't make a new costume for him.

The Harvest Party is great for Jotham, lots of throwing.
I just loved Mercia in her bonnet.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Al Mohler has an excellent article to consider on the issue of Abortion. When I watch movies like Amazing Grace (about William Wilberforce) I am reminded that there is always perseverance needed to fight for what is good. In the days of Wilberforce, for fought against slavery, white people did not consider black people to be human. They justified the great sin of slavery by declaring the victim not worthy of consideration. In our day, the issue of abortion is no different. The great sin of abortion is justified by declaring the unborn child not a life. I pray our nation, our world, can change its view so that it can change its practice, but until then I feel we must stand for those who cannot stand for themselves.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Years ago I read and enjoyed a series of science fiction books by Orson Scott Card. My Mom recently sent me this link to an article he wrote just a few weeks back. He is a democrat and I think you'll find this article to be refreshingly honest but also somewhat concerning about the state of journalism in our country.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pumpkin Picking
A few weeks back we went pumpkin picking as a family. This year we tried a new farm, Gaver's in Mt.Airy. My neighbor had recommended it and we were not disappointed. We only did the pumpkin picking part but for $5 you can go into their fall festival which has animals, corn mazes (both little and small), big slides, and lots of other fun things. Next year we'll probably plan on going to the fall festival we just didn't have time the day we went. A few photos from our family time.
In the pumpkin barn, which you go through on your way in and out, they have a big sand box filled with hard Indian corn (instead of sand). I couldn't get over how much my kids loved playing in this. I think they would have stayed in it for hours.

A little pumpkin patch photo shoot.
In the pumpkin barn, which you go through on your way in and out, they have a big sand box filled with hard Indian corn (instead of sand). I couldn't get over how much my kids loved playing in this. I think they would have stayed in it for hours.

A little pumpkin patch photo shoot.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Lowe Family

This coming Monday, October 27th, friends of the Lowes will be hosting a fundraiser in their honor at the Greene Turtle Restaurant in Columbia, MD. The Greene Turtle will be giving 10% of the all the proceeds for the entire day back to Matt and Helen. So simply coming in and having lunch or dinner will help in the fundraiser. In addition, we will be having a raffle throughout the day to raise more money for them. The gifts range from restaurant gift cards, a framed redskins jersey, golf packages, Wii bundle package and photography packages.
The location of the Columbia Greene Turtle is 8872 McGaw Road, Columbia, MD 21045. The Greene Turtle has a large restaurant area that is family friendly, so feel free to bring the family. Matt and Helen will be there for most of the day, and I know they would love to see you all there!
If you have any questions about this fundraiser, please contact Dave at
Hope to see you there!
Friday, October 17, 2008
New Jersey
Last week when Erik was away I went up to visit my family in NJ for a few days. It worked out that my Dad was at a meeting nearby, he had taken the train down, so he drove back with me. The kids and I had a great visit and I have lots of fun memories from the trip, which I'm recording here, because I know I'll forget them in time.

1. On our trip north we stopped for dinner at Cracker Barrel, when the waitress asked Jotham what he wanted for dinner he looked at her and said, "Wild Turkey." Just cracked me and my dad up.
2. Getting to spend a morning with my Mom, sister in law, Linda, and nieces and nephews at the park. The kids had a great time running around and it was so nice to be able to catch up with Linda, who I just love.
3. Going to Hacklebarney State Park. This is not far from where I grew up and I used to go hiking there a lot. There is a great stream that runs through it and I had been thinking about how much the kids would enjoy it. I had also been wanting to take the kids to a cider mill. It turns out there is one very close to the state park. My Dad, the kids and I went to the cider mill, ate the BEST donuts I have ever had (apple cider donuts- fresh and warm- amazing), drank fresh warm cider and learned about cider making. Two highlights from the cider mill were the black cat that caught a yellow canary and ate it sitting under my Dad's chair while we were eating our donuts- so gross- so funny that this black cat had yellow feathers stuck all over its face. Second highlight the golden retriever that ate Mercia's graham cracker right out of her hand and the way she cried because her snack had been stolen.

At the State Park the kids LOVED being able to walk/run on the trails and jump from rock to rock on the stream. It was really cold but so much fun. I can't wait to take them back again another time. Thanks Dad for taking us that morning- so much fun.

Monday, October 13, 2008
Apple Picking
Last week the kids & I went to Rock Hill Orchard and picked apples. They picked a few of each variety and I bought 22 lbs of seconds for apple sauce and baking. We all had a great time but I think Mercia enjoyed herself the most- since I didn't strap her into her stroller and she was free to roam. Some pictures from our time:

Apple Crisp
4 Cups Apples
2/3 to 3/4 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Flour
1/2 cup Oats
1 Tsp. Cinnamon
1/3 Cup Butter
1. Preheat Oven to 375°
2. Grease bottom of 9X9 pan
3. Peel & Thinly slice apples, place in bottom of pan
4. Mix remaining ingredients together till crumbly.
5. Place on top of apples
6. Bake 30 minutes

My friend Sarah is a great baker. She makes something like 18 different types of cookies each Christmas and I'm talking about the fancy complex kind that make my eye glaze over. Anyway, this is her Apple Crisp Recipe that I love:
Apple Crisp
4 Cups Apples
2/3 to 3/4 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Flour
1/2 cup Oats
1 Tsp. Cinnamon
1/3 Cup Butter
1. Preheat Oven to 375°
2. Grease bottom of 9X9 pan
3. Peel & Thinly slice apples, place in bottom of pan
4. Mix remaining ingredients together till crumbly.
5. Place on top of apples
6. Bake 30 minutes
Friday, October 3, 2008
Things I Love about My Kids
A friend of mine recently wrote a post about this and I think it is a wonderful way to capture some of the things I love about them in this particular moment of time, so I'm stealing her idea.
In no particular order:
1. I love how much Cia loves to read and I especially love how I am her favorite reading partner. She loves to get books and then if I am standing someplace look up at me and says, "Read, Read, READ, READ." Until I say, "Do you want to read that?" Then she grunts (her way of saying yes) and she is off to find a cozy spot for us to sit. If I happen to be sitting someplace when she gets her reading urge she turns around and plops herself on my lap with her book- I just love that.
2. I love the whole sibling thing. From the new sister thing that is going with with Cia & Karis to their basic enjoyment of each other. I love that K & C sit next to each other in the backseat. I like peaking at them holding hands or watching Karis tickle Cia and her giggle or Cia asking Karis to "read" her a book and Karis reading it. So fun. I'm really looking forward to them sharing a room. I'm sure there will be challenges but I think it will be so fun for them. I also love how excited Jotham and Karis are for Jedidiah. Jotham thinks that Jedi will be sharing a room with him and started to cry when I told him that he'll be sleeping in the crib until he is bigger. I love that Cia's favorite word is "Jot" and she asks for him whenever he isn't around. I love that Jotham almost never responds when she abuses him, which she does often.
3. As much as it scares me that he is going to be some crazy maniac, I love Jotham's growing masculinity. I love that everything, from a foam triangle to a cup with a piece of paper on top becomes some sort of weapon. We are learning how to train him in being a protector and not a "bad man." So now he uses his weapons to hunt for wolves and bears.
4. I love how quickly Karis is able to learn bible verses. I wish I had her mind. I pray we are able to help her meditate and apply these truths in her life.
5. I love the creativity in which my kids play. I think it is hilarious how they use pieces of "junk" and make them into something meaningful to them. A ribbon in our house has been everything from a sling shot to a harness for a horse (which was actually a ride on car). One of my favorite games that they played this summer was the "papa game," as they called it, they would line up about 50 feet from each other and then one of them would say, "Papa" and the other would say, "You're back" and then they would run toward each other and fall on the ground hugging. We later realized that they were acting out the prodigal son story.
6. I love the big kisses and hugs I get from Jotham when he doesn't want me to leave. If I am tucking him in he says he needs to give me a big hug and he tries to hold me down so I can't leave. When I drop him off in his class at church he hugs and kisses me and then says he needs more hugs and more kisses. I am 100% okay with being manipulated in this way.
7. I love how playful Cia is. She loves to be tickled and chased. She loves to dance. She thinks everything is a game, which is not always fun for Mommy. She will actually lie down on the ground and ask Jotham to come over and blow on her stomach, just so she can laugh.
8. I love how much they love their Daddy. They love when he comes home so they can jump on him and give him kisses. Cia loves to stand and the door and watch him leave saying "Bye, Bye, Bye, Bye" for the longest time and whenever she walks by the door she peaks out and says, "Daddy?" Karis will have an emotional break-down if he doesn't give her a hug (or if she doesn't notice when he does). They love to greet with him and church and will jump at any opportunity to be with him.
9. I love that Karis seems to love my love for reading. She lets me read to her endless amounts of books, if only there was more time and less distraction in the day. One night after putting her to bed I went back in her room 15 minutes later and pretended it was morning just so I could read her a few more chapters in the book we were reading. I hope her love of reading continues and especially her love for God's word.
10. I love that I am able to be here at home to watch them grow and to learn from them, to witness their funny moments, and share in their joys and sorrows. Children are a gift and I do not always appreciate mine. I hope I continue to grow in delighting in them.
In no particular order:
1. I love how much Cia loves to read and I especially love how I am her favorite reading partner. She loves to get books and then if I am standing someplace look up at me and says, "Read, Read, READ, READ." Until I say, "Do you want to read that?" Then she grunts (her way of saying yes) and she is off to find a cozy spot for us to sit. If I happen to be sitting someplace when she gets her reading urge she turns around and plops herself on my lap with her book- I just love that.
2. I love the whole sibling thing. From the new sister thing that is going with with Cia & Karis to their basic enjoyment of each other. I love that K & C sit next to each other in the backseat. I like peaking at them holding hands or watching Karis tickle Cia and her giggle or Cia asking Karis to "read" her a book and Karis reading it. So fun. I'm really looking forward to them sharing a room. I'm sure there will be challenges but I think it will be so fun for them. I also love how excited Jotham and Karis are for Jedidiah. Jotham thinks that Jedi will be sharing a room with him and started to cry when I told him that he'll be sleeping in the crib until he is bigger. I love that Cia's favorite word is "Jot" and she asks for him whenever he isn't around. I love that Jotham almost never responds when she abuses him, which she does often.
3. As much as it scares me that he is going to be some crazy maniac, I love Jotham's growing masculinity. I love that everything, from a foam triangle to a cup with a piece of paper on top becomes some sort of weapon. We are learning how to train him in being a protector and not a "bad man." So now he uses his weapons to hunt for wolves and bears.
4. I love how quickly Karis is able to learn bible verses. I wish I had her mind. I pray we are able to help her meditate and apply these truths in her life.
5. I love the creativity in which my kids play. I think it is hilarious how they use pieces of "junk" and make them into something meaningful to them. A ribbon in our house has been everything from a sling shot to a harness for a horse (which was actually a ride on car). One of my favorite games that they played this summer was the "papa game," as they called it, they would line up about 50 feet from each other and then one of them would say, "Papa" and the other would say, "You're back" and then they would run toward each other and fall on the ground hugging. We later realized that they were acting out the prodigal son story.
6. I love the big kisses and hugs I get from Jotham when he doesn't want me to leave. If I am tucking him in he says he needs to give me a big hug and he tries to hold me down so I can't leave. When I drop him off in his class at church he hugs and kisses me and then says he needs more hugs and more kisses. I am 100% okay with being manipulated in this way.
7. I love how playful Cia is. She loves to be tickled and chased. She loves to dance. She thinks everything is a game, which is not always fun for Mommy. She will actually lie down on the ground and ask Jotham to come over and blow on her stomach, just so she can laugh.
8. I love how much they love their Daddy. They love when he comes home so they can jump on him and give him kisses. Cia loves to stand and the door and watch him leave saying "Bye, Bye, Bye, Bye" for the longest time and whenever she walks by the door she peaks out and says, "Daddy?" Karis will have an emotional break-down if he doesn't give her a hug (or if she doesn't notice when he does). They love to greet with him and church and will jump at any opportunity to be with him.
9. I love that Karis seems to love my love for reading. She lets me read to her endless amounts of books, if only there was more time and less distraction in the day. One night after putting her to bed I went back in her room 15 minutes later and pretended it was morning just so I could read her a few more chapters in the book we were reading. I hope her love of reading continues and especially her love for God's word.
10. I love that I am able to be here at home to watch them grow and to learn from them, to witness their funny moments, and share in their joys and sorrows. Children are a gift and I do not always appreciate mine. I hope I continue to grow in delighting in them.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Photo Shoot
I had my friend Jonalee take pictures of the kids recently. I was looking for more formal shots and these are perfect. She is very talented and I am grateful to have them.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Simple Woman's Daybook
For Today...Monday, September 22, 2008

Outside my Window...the sun is shining, the weather is a perfect fall day with no humidity.
I am nice Mondays are.
I am thankful husband, he is home taking care of the kids so I can have a morning out to read and be refreshed. I adore him and am grateful that God brought us together
From the kitchen...I will lots of dishes to wash over the next few days. Our dishwasher broke this morning and it will be a few days before it is fixed. I am grateful it is still under warranty and I don't have to troubleshoot the problem and fix it myself.
I am Jedidiah
I am wearing...Maternity pants- not very comfy, red maternity shirt, black crocs.
I am reading...Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss, an excellent Homeschool Book - I think it is one of my favorites.
I am hoping...the dishwasher can be fixed easily and quickly, the hole in the living room ceiling can be fixed without too much hassle and painting the ceiling doesn't leave a mess on our carpet. Oh and I really hope to take a nap today. :)
I am hearing...the sound of drink being brewed and the typical starbucks soundtrack.
Around the house...two broken dishwashers, hole in the living room ceiling from a tub leak (now fixed), lots to be cleaned and organized but a wonderful family making all these things meaningless.
One of my favorite waking up in the morning and having time to talk to Erik in bed before we take our showers and meet with the Lord. It is a special time that I love!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Appliance man coming tomorrow in the 8 to 5 window. School with Karis all week. Swimming lessons on Wednesday. Visit with Jenn on Friday hopefully. A few Care Groups coming over this week in the evening. A fall nature walk later today (at least I hope).
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

My wonderful children, taken a few weeks ago when we went to a visit Erik's parent and took a walk in the woods. I just adore their smiles and the joy they exude. I am especially loving seeing the "sister" relationship develop more with Karis & Cia. They now sit next to each other in the car and it has helped Cia's joy for car trips, soon they'll be sharing a room.
I came across this idea on a another blog, so all credit goes to that lady, who I don't know, but had a great idea.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Potty Training
So earlier in the summer we potty trained Jotham. He has been doing with great with it all. When I first started he wouldn't sit on a potty that didn't have little seat on it, he wouldn't stand up to pee, he wanted things just right, which made going out a bit tough.

But now I'm thinking he is getting a bit too "free" with it all. First he decided to go standing up all on his own, this was great except instead of aiming he would nearly lay across the toilet, holding onto the back to go - but at least there wasn't a clean up issue. Next he decided to sit on the seat but instead of sitting forward he decided to take off his pants and underwear and sit on the potty backward, straddling it. Well the other day he told me he was going to pee like a giant (probably because of his recent obsession with David and Goliath). This is what I discovered...

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Psalm 34: 18 says, The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Today when I was starting our school day I was showing the kids the calendar and writing today's date on our white board- September 11th. Their lives began after the tragic events that mark this day in history. They will never know the intense emotions of this day as those who sat and watched in horror as the events unfold.
Someday they'll be old enough to comprehend the loss of that day. It is my hope that we will not forget and we will be able to train them to understand the greatness of God even through such horrible suffering and loss.
Today when I was starting our school day I was showing the kids the calendar and writing today's date on our white board- September 11th. Their lives began after the tragic events that mark this day in history. They will never know the intense emotions of this day as those who sat and watched in horror as the events unfold.
Someday they'll be old enough to comprehend the loss of that day. It is my hope that we will not forget and we will be able to train them to understand the greatness of God even through such horrible suffering and loss.
Friday, August 29, 2008
2 Samuel 12:24-25
2 Samuel 12:24-25 records the birth of Solomon, "Then David comforted his wife, Bathsheba, and went in to her and lay with her, and she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. And the Lord loved him and sent a message by Nathan the prophet. So he called his name Jedidiah*, because of the Lord."
As I was reflecting on this verse it was striking to me again how the Lord displays his amazing grace. David (and Bathsheba) have just committed horrible sins against the Lord and he not only blesses them with another child but tells them that he loves their son. What an extreme act of showing forgiveness. We truly have an amazing God.
This one of the reason we plan on naming our next child, who we just found out is a son, Jedidiah. A reminder of God's grace extended to us again and again in the face our sin against him.
*Jedidiah means Beloved of the Lord
As I was reflecting on this verse it was striking to me again how the Lord displays his amazing grace. David (and Bathsheba) have just committed horrible sins against the Lord and he not only blesses them with another child but tells them that he loves their son. What an extreme act of showing forgiveness. We truly have an amazing God.
This one of the reason we plan on naming our next child, who we just found out is a son, Jedidiah. A reminder of God's grace extended to us again and again in the face our sin against him.
*Jedidiah means Beloved of the Lord
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The last few days Erik and I have been a personal retreat. It has been such a refreshing and productive time. I've been able to plan for the fall and read lots of books to challenge and encourage me. I read this quote and wanted to share it:
"Busyness is not godliness. God is not impressed with your production capacity as much as He is concerned that the product of your home-your own children-be chiseled and molded and perfected to the best of your ability. You may tire of this mundane task, but the Lord admonishes you not to grow weary and promises to supply the energy and strength as needed in this all-important task (Isa. 40:28-31). God's strength is for what He plans for you to do-not stamina for everything you might want to do!"
The quote is by Dorothy Patterson and it is quoted by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock in Practicing Hospitality, p. 75.
"Busyness is not godliness. God is not impressed with your production capacity as much as He is concerned that the product of your home-your own children-be chiseled and molded and perfected to the best of your ability. You may tire of this mundane task, but the Lord admonishes you not to grow weary and promises to supply the energy and strength as needed in this all-important task (Isa. 40:28-31). God's strength is for what He plans for you to do-not stamina for everything you might want to do!"
The quote is by Dorothy Patterson and it is quoted by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock in Practicing Hospitality, p. 75.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Favorite Photos from Vacation
In my parent's dining room at the beach is a bench that we use for "overflow" seating. When the Dabbs were there we would line up all the kids on the bench to eat. As we were sitting down to eat dinner one night, I said to Jenn, we should take that bench to the beach and take pictures of the kids. Our loving and supportive husbands went along and carried it up the beach for us. Jenn has some great photos of all our kids together. Here a few that I took and edited of my bunch.

And a favorite of Karis:

August Vacation
Every year around my birthday (August 5th) we go back to the beach, Belmar. This year it worked out for us to stay for 9 days! It couldn't have been better. The time started out with just our little family, then after a few days our dear friends the Dabbs came to visit and then my Mom & Dad were there for our final few days.

I'm not sure what Cia was thinking about the parade but I think she liked it.
When we are at the beach, Erik always digs a huge hole- I mean really HUGE, at least 6 feet wide and you can't even see the kids in the bottom of it (we have a really nice shovel). We then wait for the tide to come in and fill it up. The kids love jumping in and out (without or without water). We had plenty of these over vacation but the kids also enjoyed the low tide pools that Erik dug. In fact, most of the people on the beach enjoyed these. At one point I think we had 10 plus kids (not including our own) playing in the pools as they got bigger and bigger.

We typically arrive around 8:30 am stay through lunch and go home for baths and naps then return for the afternoon. My birthday was one of the last days we had there. We arrived early and after about an hour of listening to the kids complain (it was really hot and I think they were just tired of the beach) Erik said, "Do you want to take a bike ride to Ocean Grove?" This is how much my hubby loves to bless me! I love to ride my bike at the beach and I had been mentioning Ocean Grove to him. When I was growing up I spend many summer days there with my grandparents.
**Pause for commercial break by Jerusha.** Ocean Grove is a small town near Belmar. It is a very unique town, it is 1 square mile and all the land is owned by the church. If you buy a house there you only own the house and you have a 100 year lease on the property. The houses are mostly Victorian and very old. The is a building called the Great Auditorium, which was built in the 1800 and they have Christian meetings and concerts there as well as church services every Sunday. My favorite part of Ocean Grove is Tent City, these are basically shanties that have tents on the front of them, families have owned these for generations and live in them during the summer. I LOVE them, always have. As a child I remember being taken with the idea of them.
So we packed up all our stuff, headed home, asked my Mom to watch Cia and took Jotham and Karis to Ocean Grove on our bikes, walked around, had lunch, and just enjoyed some nice family time. My only major disappointment was that I forgot my camera! I was so bummed out I wasn't able to take pictures of the tent houses.
Later that night we had a family dinner with my parents, ate yummy strawberry shortcake and then Erik took me to my other favorite beach town, Lavalette, so we could walk on the boardwalk. My family also used to spend a good deal of time in Lavalette when I was growing up. I haven't been there in years and love it there as well. I'm not really into celebrating my birthday so taking these two trips to some of my favorite place was a real treat for me. Here is a picture of Erik at Lavalette.

On our way home we stopped at Sesame Place in PA. It is basically an amusement park designed for young kids. It has a huge water park element which Karis loved. There are characters from the show walking around and there is a parade in the evening. Jotham loved the characters. He went up to Bert and Ernie and had a whole conversation with them about granola bars (which he was eating at the time) and his new shoes. Cia hung out with my Mom (who is her best friend) and played in the various pools loving every minute.
This picture of Erik & Jotham watching the parade cracked me up, can you tell they are related:

I'm not sure what Cia was thinking about the parade but I think she liked it.
So that must have been my longest post EVER! Anyway, a few more photos to come in another post.
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Mill
Every Friday this summer our church is hosting an early morning men's meeting called The Mill. Erik had the joy of being able to preach at it a week or so ago. I'm so proud of his faithfulness to bring God's word and all the hard work he did is preparing for it.
If you are interested in hearing his message (it is short- only 8 minutes) listen here.
If you are interested in hearing his message (it is short- only 8 minutes) listen here.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I know there are some Mommy's out there who read this blog and I'm looking for some sound Mommy advice. I've been thinking of switching to cloth diapers- crazy right- so give me some thoughts for or against.
* By the way, not the type you pin but the more modern velcro type that are one size fits all.
* By the way, not the type you pin but the more modern velcro type that are one size fits all.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Just wanted to post a some technical updates on the kids (more for my memory than anyone else):
Karis- has recently started riding a bike (with trainers) really well. She was riding some before but with difficulty. We have taken her on trails and now she is flying around on our deck- she loves it and she was even giving Jotham rides the other day. She is growing in her knowledge and love for God's word and we love to hear everyday what she is learning. She is big helper here at home, getting diapers, clearing the table, etc. I'm grateful to have such a wonderful little girl as our oldest.

Jotham- at his three year checkup (in May) weighed 31 lbs (50%) and was 37 1/4 inches tall (50%). He also has recently started peddling a bike. He has trouble getting started but can keep it going after a push. He learned his colors (for the most part) and he is potty trained (except for nighttime). He is still amazingly clueless when it comes to certain things. He was playing with his friend Carson the other day for two hours when he came in the house and said, "Jon, isn't being nice to me." Mom, "His name is not Jon." Jotham, "What's his name?"
Mercia- she had her 18 month checkup (at 19 months) and was 24.3 lbs (25-50%) and 33 inches tall (75%). She is walking well now and saying about 25 words, which probably only Mommy understands. She loves babies and has tried to carry a real baby around (though he probably weighs as much as she does)- but she loved him and that's what matters. She keeps us on our toes, depending on God's grace for each day. She adds a lot of joy to our lives.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Over the past few months (we started end of May) we have been working on adding a new deck onto the back of our house. This project has been some years in the making. The house came with one medium size deck off the family room and one very small (could barely fit a chair) deck off the dining room. Our original desire was to have steps into the backyard, have two decks the same size and a bridge connecting them. After the county rejected those plans we decided that we would just make one large deck across the back of the house.
Now, the MOST important thing to mention in all of this is that we would not and could not do something like this without my Dad. My Dad is simply amazing (in all ways but especially when it comes to construction). He drew the plans and then redrew them and then he basically built the entire deck, with help from Erik and many friends (who pitched in from time to time). My Dad can basically do ANYTHING when it comes to building. He once told my aunt that if she could think of it he could build it (this was when he completely gutted and renovated her house). He has over the past several years, tiled the kitchen in our bathroom, added chair rail, added an additional bathroom, moved a huge shed by himself using levers, installed a patio, built custom bookshelves. He did all that in our townhouse which we sold a few years ago. When we moved into our current home he remodeled the basement making one huge bedroom into two smaller ones, he installed a double oven, installed 3 sliders and converted one slider into a window, fixed various electrical problems with house, gutted our old master bath, remodeled it and installed a washer and dryer on our second floor. His most recent project is the deck. In all these projects his ability to work constantly amazes me. He puts in 60 hours in 4 days and then at 9:30 at night drives home to NJ. He is truly gifted.
He has done all this for his daughter (who he loves), he has served his son (who he also loves) with remodeling and putting several additions on his house, I already mentioned my aunt, he has also helped various other family members. You might think he is a great guy for serving all these people in his family but he has also in recent years (as he entered partial retirement) remodeled a strangers house (someone whose house was destroyed in a flood). He goes on missions trips to New Orleans, Africa and Nicaragua. I imagine he would go anywhere to help someone in need. He uses his gifts for God's service and glory.
Now, the MOST important thing to mention in all of this is that we would not and could not do something like this without my Dad. My Dad is simply amazing (in all ways but especially when it comes to construction). He drew the plans and then redrew them and then he basically built the entire deck, with help from Erik and many friends (who pitched in from time to time). My Dad can basically do ANYTHING when it comes to building. He once told my aunt that if she could think of it he could build it (this was when he completely gutted and renovated her house). He has over the past several years, tiled the kitchen in our bathroom, added chair rail, added an additional bathroom, moved a huge shed by himself using levers, installed a patio, built custom bookshelves. He did all that in our townhouse which we sold a few years ago. When we moved into our current home he remodeled the basement making one huge bedroom into two smaller ones, he installed a double oven, installed 3 sliders and converted one slider into a window, fixed various electrical problems with house, gutted our old master bath, remodeled it and installed a washer and dryer on our second floor. His most recent project is the deck. In all these projects his ability to work constantly amazes me. He puts in 60 hours in 4 days and then at 9:30 at night drives home to NJ. He is truly gifted.
He has done all this for his daughter (who he loves), he has served his son (who he also loves) with remodeling and putting several additions on his house, I already mentioned my aunt, he has also helped various other family members. You might think he is a great guy for serving all these people in his family but he has also in recent years (as he entered partial retirement) remodeled a strangers house (someone whose house was destroyed in a flood). He goes on missions trips to New Orleans, Africa and Nicaragua. I imagine he would go anywhere to help someone in need. He uses his gifts for God's service and glory.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Shore
One of the highlights of our summer is going to the shore to stay with Erik's parents and then to stay with my parents (we are BLESSED with two sets of grandparents with beach houses in NJ). This year's trip was a blast. There were so many memories that instead of listing everything we did I just wanted to list a few highlight.
Mercia Highlight-Our littlest loved the beach. She was very happy to walk around and she walked right into the ocean without thinking anything of it. She didn't care that the sand was everywhere (including in her mouth while she ate pretzels and graham crackers out of sandy hand).

Jotham Highlight- He is thus far our most fearful child. As a baby and toddler he has been scared of the sand and the ocean. The first year we took him he was stuck to me like glue and screamed if I attempted to put him down. The next year he was okay with the sand but wouldn't go near the water. This year, after some initial fear and some firm prodding from us, he actually went in the ocean and enjoyed it.

We didn't have great weather at my parent's house so one day we went to the local aquarium. Jotham loved this and really talked about it for a few days. He keep wanted to see the sharks again. He also LOVED the rides on the boardwalk, I think his favorite was the motorcycle, he was very focused on it, I think he really thought he was driving it. He started to cry when it stopped.
Karis Highlight- She loved the beach and ocean this year. The water was pretty chilly otherwise I think she would have gone in even more. In Sea Isle, she loved riding the boogie board while Grammer pulled her around. Karis also loved playing with her cousins (especially Hannah).

There are so many other memories of our time but that will have to do for now.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
A Heritage
Once upon a time Erik & I had the privilege to lead a care group of couples in our church. These people were and still some of our dearest friends. When we began leading, the group had 3 children: Mia, Aubreigh, & Jack. I was pregnant with Karis, and Krista was pregnant with Ainsley. As couples joined it seemed like we had a baby boom on our hands. April had Conner, Kia had Joshua, Judi had Si, Jenn had Aiden, Cara had Meg, Janie had Colin, Seanna joined the group (already had Chloe and then had Joseph), Priscila had Gianna. One of my favorite pictures of all time is of these ladies taken on the day Jotham was born. We went to Sears, crowded into a little room with all 9 of our kids and got our picture taken together. It is no wonder labor started for me that afternoon. So as time went on the cycle went around again and again. Jenn had Wil and then Zeke, April had Jacob and then Eli, Kia had Saraina and then Kadin, Judi had Caitlyn, , I had Cia, Jen had Abby, Cara had Matthew, Seanna had twins, Janie had Gavin, Krista had Sadie (not all exactly in that order). In this time period, so much changed in each of our lives; some of us moved to new houses and new states, some went on Church plants, some of us changed care groups, new people added the old group, there were job changes for husbands (including Erik's to become a Pastor), but one thing stayed the same and that was what I want to highlight. These ladies believe Psalm 127:3:
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb a reward.
I'm sure I have probably left someone and their children out (please be gracious and forgive me) but from my count that group has now at least 29 children, spread through several states! What a reward!
And Erik & I are now pleased to share that we should be adding #30, sometime around January 15.
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb a reward.
I'm sure I have probably left someone and their children out (please be gracious and forgive me) but from my count that group has now at least 29 children, spread through several states! What a reward!
And Erik & I are now pleased to share that we should be adding #30, sometime around January 15.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A Simple Woman's Daybook
I came across this idea on a another blog, so all credit goes to that lady, who I don't know, but had a great idea.
For Today...Wednesday, June 18, 2008:
Outside my Window...the sun is shining casting a lovely light through the trees. I can see some of the summer flowers blooming in our flower beds. The temperature in the 70s with no humidity- really a beautiful day.
I am thinking...that it will be good to write these ever so often as a way to look back 10 years from now and peak into what my world was like.
I am thankful for...time at home with my children. I love being a stay at home mom even through the very tiring moments
From the kitchen...We just cleaned up lunch which was PB & Honey & Yogurt for the K, J, & I and Soy Yogurt, flax seed & wheat germ and bread for C. Dinner tonight is nothing exciting, just leftovers from last night- Sante Fe Chicken.
I am creating...a deck, well not really me but my Dad & Erik, but I did help yesterday.
I am wearing...Gray shorts and red t-shirt, no shoes
I am where, except maybe a walk later tonight.
I am reading...I just picked up a biography on George Washington that I am excited to start.
I am hoping...the kids will take a really long nap and Erik will come home early.
I am hearing...the sound of fans in the kids room, birds chirping outside and wonderful silence.
Around the is pretty messy right now. My bathroom is a NEED of a deep clean, which I might be inspired to do after this. The family room has toys on the floor, the kitchen floor needs cleaned, but the living room is in order.
One of my favorite riding my bike at the beach, only two weeks till vacation.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...We are getting together with the friends, the Snyders, on Thursday and going on a double date on Saturday with the Dabbs. During the day on Friday, Jenn & I doing our weekly play-date. It seems like awhile since I've had time with her and I'm looking forward to it.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

One of the flowers outside my window.
For Today...Wednesday, June 18, 2008:
Outside my Window...the sun is shining casting a lovely light through the trees. I can see some of the summer flowers blooming in our flower beds. The temperature in the 70s with no humidity- really a beautiful day.
I am thinking...that it will be good to write these ever so often as a way to look back 10 years from now and peak into what my world was like.
I am thankful for...time at home with my children. I love being a stay at home mom even through the very tiring moments
From the kitchen...We just cleaned up lunch which was PB & Honey & Yogurt for the K, J, & I and Soy Yogurt, flax seed & wheat germ and bread for C. Dinner tonight is nothing exciting, just leftovers from last night- Sante Fe Chicken.
I am creating...a deck, well not really me but my Dad & Erik, but I did help yesterday.
I am wearing...Gray shorts and red t-shirt, no shoes
I am where, except maybe a walk later tonight.
I am reading...I just picked up a biography on George Washington that I am excited to start.
I am hoping...the kids will take a really long nap and Erik will come home early.
I am hearing...the sound of fans in the kids room, birds chirping outside and wonderful silence.
Around the is pretty messy right now. My bathroom is a NEED of a deep clean, which I might be inspired to do after this. The family room has toys on the floor, the kitchen floor needs cleaned, but the living room is in order.
One of my favorite riding my bike at the beach, only two weeks till vacation.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...We are getting together with the friends, the Snyders, on Thursday and going on a double date on Saturday with the Dabbs. During the day on Friday, Jenn & I doing our weekly play-date. It seems like awhile since I've had time with her and I'm looking forward to it.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

One of the flowers outside my window.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Strawberry Picking

The picking went much quicker this year, Jotham and Karis did a great job helping out. Jotham even understood the difference between green ones and red ones- this makes all the difference in picking the right ones.
Being in a strawberry field with endless amounts of strawberries is Mercia's dream come true- she LOVES them. She just walked from Mommy to Daddy eating the whole time.

After picking our CG came back to our house for Strawberry pancakes and Strawberry milkshakes- so yummy!

Blueberry picking season is coming soon- these are my favorite to pick.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
This is from the Clarkson's, Educating the WholeHearted Child:
"Regardless of the circumstances you face, you have the ability to remain faithful to God. In the end, the measure of your success in homeschooling will not be how well your children perform on achievement tests, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength in the process of discipling and educating them. Be faithful."
I found this quote a helpful reminder of what is really important. Not the outcome but the process of being faithful to God. It is not just applicable to homeschooling but to all of parenting (and life). I could easily change this quote to say:
In the end, the measure of your success in mothering will not be how well your children sleep through the night, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength through those sleepless nights.
In the end, the measure of your success in mothering will not be how well your children obey your first command, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength in training and disciplining them.
"Regardless of the circumstances you face, you have the ability to remain faithful to God. In the end, the measure of your success in homeschooling will not be how well your children perform on achievement tests, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength in the process of discipling and educating them. Be faithful."
I found this quote a helpful reminder of what is really important. Not the outcome but the process of being faithful to God. It is not just applicable to homeschooling but to all of parenting (and life). I could easily change this quote to say:
In the end, the measure of your success in mothering will not be how well your children sleep through the night, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength through those sleepless nights.
In the end, the measure of your success in mothering will not be how well your children obey your first command, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength in training and disciplining them.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Jotham James
Jotham is blessed to share a birthday with Erik's Dad (James). Yesterday we celebrated their birthdays with a family picnic. Erik wrote the following poem to honor them:
From Jotham to James 60 years span
Clear similarities and differences in each man
Though one is still a sapling while another a tree
Both lives are fruitful
Though one laughs at the other
Both love humor
Though one likes running while the other likes walking
Both enjoy the outside
Though the cost differs greatly
Both cherish their toy cars
Though one shares a cookie while another shares the “dough”
Both are generous
Though one cries tears instantly and one holds them back
Both are very sensitive
Though one life rises and one is setting
Both are beautiful
Though one is my Son and the other my Father
Both are loved very much
60 years separate you and P-paw
With me in the middle
There is no greater place for me to be
With my Son & My Dad
Happy Birthday
Clear similarities and differences in each man
Though one is still a sapling while another a tree
Both lives are fruitful
Though one laughs at the other
Both love humor
Though one likes running while the other likes walking
Both enjoy the outside
Though the cost differs greatly
Both cherish their toy cars
Though one shares a cookie while another shares the “dough”
Both are generous
Though one cries tears instantly and one holds them back
Both are very sensitive
Though one life rises and one is setting
Both are beautiful
Though one is my Son and the other my Father
Both are loved very much
60 years separate you and P-paw
With me in the middle
There is no greater place for me to be
With my Son & My Dad
Happy Birthday

Wings of Fancy

After walking through the exhibit we took a stroll around Brookside, which is really lovely this time of year. The weather was beautiful and the kids enjoyed roaming around, chasing geese, falling down scraping their knees and in general just being with their grandma.

Jotham & Cia taking a walk at Brookside: