Monday, September 22, 2008

A Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...Monday, September 22, 2008

Outside my Window...the sun is shining, the weather is a perfect fall day with no humidity.

I am nice Mondays are.

I am thankful husband, he is home taking care of the kids so I can have a morning out to read and be refreshed. I adore him and am grateful that God brought us together

From the kitchen...I will lots of dishes to wash over the next few days. Our dishwasher broke this morning and it will be a few days before it is fixed. I am grateful it is still under warranty and I don't have to troubleshoot the problem and fix it myself.

I am Jedidiah

I am wearing...Maternity pants- not very comfy, red maternity shirt, black crocs.

I am reading...Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss, an excellent Homeschool Book - I think it is one of my favorites.

I am hoping...the dishwasher can be fixed easily and quickly, the hole in the living room ceiling can be fixed without too much hassle and painting the ceiling doesn't leave a mess on our carpet. Oh and I really hope to take a nap today. :)

I am hearing...the sound of drink being brewed and the typical starbucks soundtrack.

Around the house...two broken dishwashers, hole in the living room ceiling from a tub leak (now fixed), lots to be cleaned and organized but a wonderful family making all these things meaningless.

One of my favorite waking up in the morning and having time to talk to Erik in bed before we take our showers and meet with the Lord. It is a special time that I love!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Appliance man coming tomorrow in the 8 to 5 window. School with Karis all week. Swimming lessons on Wednesday. Visit with Jenn on Friday hopefully. A few Care Groups coming over this week in the evening. A fall nature walk later today (at least I hope).

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

My wonderful children, taken a few weeks ago when we went to a visit Erik's parent and took a walk in the woods. I just adore their smiles and the joy they exude. I am especially loving seeing the "sister" relationship develop more with Karis & Cia. They now sit next to each other in the car and it has helped Cia's joy for car trips, soon they'll be sharing a room.
I came across this idea on a another blog, so all credit goes to that lady, who I don't know, but had a great idea.

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