Monday, December 15, 2008

Cotton Blowing

So many, MANY years ago my grandmother invented a game called Cotton Blowing to play at her annual New Years party. It became quite an event with trophies and even a belt given to the five year consecutive winner (who happened to be my uncle Tom's friend Sean for like 8 years in a row). I'll never forget playing it around my grandma's table.
When Erik first played the game he loved it and we've been playing it at our Christmas Party. For those of you looking for a bizarre, fun, germ filled game to play at your next party here are the rules:
Everyone lines up around the table so only their heads are sticking up. The leader drops a big cotton ball (the kind from a medicine or vitamin bottle) into the middle of the table. Everyone blows the cotton ball, trying to keep it from going off the table near them. You CANNOT block it with you shoulders and if goes out over your head or shoulder or closest to you, you are out. Pretty basic rules.

Here are some pictures so you get the idea.

Everyone is lined up and the ball has just been dropped.

Great action shot, who has more lung power.

And the final round, we play best out of 3 (which is not part of my grandma's rules). This happens to be a re-match from last year. Except this year my hubby actually won.

Thank you to those of you who came to our party this year. We love you all so much are so grateful for your friendship.


Jonalee said...

hilarious! so much fun!!

Kelly C said...

LOL - love it! : )

Anonymous said...

Grandma Tiner would be so pleased. (Not to mention all of the other Tiners)