Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Love You Too Much

Jotham's personality and his language has been developing more and more and it has been so much fun. He is such a sweet little guy (most of the time). He has recently taken to saying, "I love you too much." I think he must mean so much but it is cute none the less. I thought this picture of him loving on Cia was an appropriate manifestation of "I love you too much."

This picture was taken this past Monday when we went to the cafe at the local airport. It was a beautiful day and it was fun watching the planes take off and land. We were also able to get a more recent photo of all 3 together (one where Cia isn't being attacked by Jotham's love).

Monday, October 22, 2007

Cinderella Man

A few weeks ago Erik planned a wonderful romantic evening for us at home. He went to the grocery store, picked out food, cooked it, set up a little table for us in the family room with candles and music playing. We had a wonderful time talking and enjoying each other. Then he read me a beautiful poem that he wrote for me and had me in tears. I'm so grateful for this evening with my husband.

Later in the evening we watched the movie Cinderella Man. This a favorite of ours. There are many things about it that I love. The love story between a husband and wife. The character of a man in raising a family in the midst of challenging circumstances. I've also particularly enjoyed the Paul Giamatti's portrayal of Joe Gould, the coach (apart from one sense where he takes the Lord's name in vain repeatedly).

Watching it this time I was struck by a something new. In the boxing senses, the coach is able to see things that the boxer can't. He helps the boxer with his strategy and he encourages him when he thinks he can't go anymore. This was a helpful reminder to me of how much I need the body of Christ in my life. I am in a fight against my sin and because I am getting hit in the face I can't see clearly. I need someone in my corner, someone who is for me, someone who can see what I can't see. I need someone to speak truth to me when I think I can't fight anymore, when I just want to give up. Someone to remind that "in Christ the enemy has already been defeated."

I am so grateful to have my husband and my dear friends as voices of truth in my life. Apart from this grace I am sure that I would have been knocked out long ago.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Last week we went to Rock Hill Orchard with the Castro Family to pick some pumpkins (thanks Jonalee for the recommendation- they have really unique looking pumpkins). It is always such fun to be with the Castros. Karis & Mckenna are the same age and in the same class at church. Since they are both the oldest children in our respective families our outings with them always consist of their younger siblings crying about something. This outing was no exception. Jotham & Selah Grace were not exactly excited about walking through a vine covered field, but praise the Lord there were apple trees near by and they both love apples. I simply love being with Heather, she is such a wonderful godly woman whose walk with the Lord and humilty are such an encouragement to me.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ear Tubes

Thanks so much for your prayers for Mercia. We are so grateful for your care for us through your emails, calls, & especially your prayers. Mercia did great getting her tubes. We arrived at the hospital this morning around 6 am and she was put under anesthesia at 7:40(this was a bit sad for Mommy) and I think the doctor was done the procedure by 8 am. All I can say is I couldn’t be more impressed with Dr. Casler. If you have any ENT needs we would highly recommend him! You know you have a wonderful doctor when you go back to recovery and he is the one holding your daughter on his lap comforting her- God was very kind to provide him. She was pretty cranky for a bit after but a bottle helped (she drank 12 oz. - double her normal) and so did being able to get down and crawl around when we got home.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Ear Update- Again

Today we were blessed to take Mercia to another ENT, Dr. Casler. He goes to our church and was recommended by some others who have gone to him. We went to get his thoughts and we are so grateful we did. He was excellent! He gave us so much time and he so thouroughly explained everything. Upon examining her today he saw that there is so much fluid & pressure in her ears that her ear drum is pulled back into her middle ear almost as far as it can go. So even though there is no infection present she is in a significant amount of pain. And he said an infection is just around the corner. All this being said plus lots more we have decided that the best thing to serve our girlie is give her tubes. This should be happening sometime the next week. So grateful for your continued prayers for her.