Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The last few days Erik and I have been a personal retreat. It has been such a refreshing and productive time. I've been able to plan for the fall and read lots of books to challenge and encourage me. I read this quote and wanted to share it:

"Busyness is not godliness. God is not impressed with your production capacity as much as He is concerned that the product of your home-your own children-be chiseled and molded and perfected to the best of your ability. You may tire of this mundane task, but the Lord admonishes you not to grow weary and promises to supply the energy and strength as needed in this all-important task (Isa. 40:28-31). God's strength is for what He plans for you to do-not stamina for everything you might want to do!"

The quote is by Dorothy Patterson and it is quoted by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock in Practicing Hospitality, p. 75.


amy said...

a great reminder. thanks, jerusha!

Katie said...

So glad that you guys had a wonderful retreat!