Sunday, November 23, 2008

Product vs. Process

My oldest, dear sweet Karis, turned 5 on November 15th. For her birthday, I've been sewing her new curtains for her room and drapes for her canopy bed. With some health issues going on with Erik I haven't had the time to work on these as quickly as I wanted but I finally finished them! It felt so good to have produced something. I get HUGE satisfaction out of being productive.

As I was reflecting on my satisfaction in my completed job the Lord brought to me a basic problem with my thinking. The role he has called me to has less to do with the product and more to do with the process. It is less about the clean house and more about how it gets clean. It is less about seemingly obedient children and more faithful, joyful mothering.

Genesis 4 gives the lineage of Cain, who murdered his brother. In verses 21-22, we read about those who came from Cain and see they are known by what they do, one who plays the lyre and pipe, forger of bronze and iron. In contrast, Genesis 5 gives the lineage of Seth, who was a child of promise, in verse 24 it tells of Enoch. "Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him." I've long been challenged by these verses. Am I known by what I do, what I produce? Or by whose I am, who I walk with?

In these days with small children it is so easy to get satisfaction from the wrong places. A very wise pastor's wife encouraged me the other day when she shared from Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." She pointed out the emphasis in the verse is not the on the outcome of the good but on the not giving up. How I desire to not give up in doing good. It is only by his grace that any of us with reap the harvest we desire. Peace, rest, satisfaction need to come from Him alone.


amy said...

great thoughts to think about, jerusha! especially on the genesis passage. thanks for being faithful to share what you have been learning.

Gina said...

Amen. Thank you for the reminder.