Sunday, December 30, 2007

4 Eyes

When we took Karis for her 4 year visit to the doctor she failed her eye exam- bad. After taking her to a pediatric eye doctor we found out that she has a moderate to severe astigmatism. She is doing great wearing her new glasses, her favorite thing about them is that the inside has flowers on them.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


A lady I know recently started this website: after shopping with her kids at CVS. I've read and signed her petition because I feel the same way when shopping just about anyplace these days, the grocery store, the drug store, the video store. No pressure to read or sign it but wanted to share just in case.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow, Snow Come Out in the Snow

If you know my husband you know he LOVES snow, I mean really LOVES snow. Much to his delight we had our first snow storm, we got about 5 inches, which in my opinion is a decent amount of snow and in his opinion is just about a dusting. Anyway, the kids were so excited to got out and play that I braved the cold bundled up and took them out. I think Jotham has his Daddy in and could have stayed out there all day. We went out again later in the afternoon with Mercia, who didn't last long and Jotham stayed outside twice as long as Karis (it was nice for me that Erik was home this time around).

On an more exciting note, I have new niece. She born on December 4th and her name is Evangelene Jerusha Shea (I think, it isn't totally official). I can't wait to meet her in person. My sister-in-law is one of the most wonderful people I know and she is trooper through very difficult pregnancies- I'm so glad everything went well for the delivery. It is such a honor to me that she either has or might have my name.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Traditions

When I was growing up my parents used to decorate our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve after my brother & I went to bed. I remember one of my highlights from Christmas was waking up in the morning to see the Christmas tree. Erik & I have started a variation of this. One night after Thanksgiving, Erik & I decorate our Christmas tree and then a few hours later we wake up the kids and bring them downstairs to see the Christmas tree and have cookies and milk. I think this is a highlight for Karis as she's been talking about it a lot.

This is a picture of Erik & the kids looking at the tree through special glasses that turn Christmas lights into stars and snowmen. Another tradition we have is to go visit the Winter Lights at Great Seneca. This is a light show that you drive through. Since you are going so slowly we allow the kids to come up front and sit on our laps and eat cookies and drink hot chocolate. They both loved the lights show and wanted to go through again.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Time

It is Christmas time. Oh the joy. We Sheffers love Christmas, pretty much everything Christmas. We love Christmas Lights, Christmas Cookies, Christmas Trees, Christmas Parties, but most of all we love to celebrate the wonder of God who would humble himself and to be born in a dirty stable.

I love how each family has there own traditions to celebrate this season. As a relatively young family we are still creating our traditions. This year I'm hoping to start a new one: a Jesse Tree. I've heard of these through the years and decided to give it a try this year. If you are interested you can find lots of info on the Internet. I found this site (start at the bottom) and this site (there is a link for patterns you can print and color) helpful.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Karis

November 15th was an exciting day here at our home. Our oldest, sweet Karis, turned 4 years old. It is amazing to us that 4 years have passed so quickly. Four years of watching her turn from a baby into a little girl. Four years of parenting and learning to depend on the Lord more deeply. I cannot even begin to imagine what the next 4 will be like, starting school & growing independence. I am sure that it will all continue to test me in area of trusting the Lord and not myself.

When Karis was born her favorite thing to do was cry, sometimes all day long. I read books, talked to other moms, cried and at times felt helpless. I was trying so hard to control her and when she didn't cooperate my sin would come out. I was trusting in my methods and not in my God. So now four years into parenting I still have lots of methods but by God's grace I am able more to step back and evaluate who I am trusting in. I am learning that parenting is a process and I fight to keep my focus on the goal. A baby who becomes a child who becomes a young woman who loves her Lord and desires to honor Him with her life. And that is my prayer for my girl each day, a deepening knowledge of Christ and a conviction for her need for a savior. All I can do as her mom is be faithful to what God has called me to, plant seeds and water, but it is God who brings growth.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


There is an orchard near our house that was selling 22 lbs of apples for $8.00. What a bargin! Heather inspired me to make applesauce and after canning several quarts, dehydrating apples, and making fruit leather I went back for a second 22 lbs and made more applesauce, dehydrated more apples and fruit leather. I should say all this would not have been accomplished with my now most favorite kitchen tool- the pampered chef apple corer, peeler, slicer- it does all three in one step- it is a coolest gadget ever AND I got it for a steal $10.

This picture is SMALL portion of the applesauce I have. I hoping it will last for a LONG time but since Mercia practically exists on applesauce it will probably be gone in a month.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Love You Too Much

Jotham's personality and his language has been developing more and more and it has been so much fun. He is such a sweet little guy (most of the time). He has recently taken to saying, "I love you too much." I think he must mean so much but it is cute none the less. I thought this picture of him loving on Cia was an appropriate manifestation of "I love you too much."

This picture was taken this past Monday when we went to the cafe at the local airport. It was a beautiful day and it was fun watching the planes take off and land. We were also able to get a more recent photo of all 3 together (one where Cia isn't being attacked by Jotham's love).

Monday, October 22, 2007

Cinderella Man

A few weeks ago Erik planned a wonderful romantic evening for us at home. He went to the grocery store, picked out food, cooked it, set up a little table for us in the family room with candles and music playing. We had a wonderful time talking and enjoying each other. Then he read me a beautiful poem that he wrote for me and had me in tears. I'm so grateful for this evening with my husband.

Later in the evening we watched the movie Cinderella Man. This a favorite of ours. There are many things about it that I love. The love story between a husband and wife. The character of a man in raising a family in the midst of challenging circumstances. I've also particularly enjoyed the Paul Giamatti's portrayal of Joe Gould, the coach (apart from one sense where he takes the Lord's name in vain repeatedly).

Watching it this time I was struck by a something new. In the boxing senses, the coach is able to see things that the boxer can't. He helps the boxer with his strategy and he encourages him when he thinks he can't go anymore. This was a helpful reminder to me of how much I need the body of Christ in my life. I am in a fight against my sin and because I am getting hit in the face I can't see clearly. I need someone in my corner, someone who is for me, someone who can see what I can't see. I need someone to speak truth to me when I think I can't fight anymore, when I just want to give up. Someone to remind that "in Christ the enemy has already been defeated."

I am so grateful to have my husband and my dear friends as voices of truth in my life. Apart from this grace I am sure that I would have been knocked out long ago.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Last week we went to Rock Hill Orchard with the Castro Family to pick some pumpkins (thanks Jonalee for the recommendation- they have really unique looking pumpkins). It is always such fun to be with the Castros. Karis & Mckenna are the same age and in the same class at church. Since they are both the oldest children in our respective families our outings with them always consist of their younger siblings crying about something. This outing was no exception. Jotham & Selah Grace were not exactly excited about walking through a vine covered field, but praise the Lord there were apple trees near by and they both love apples. I simply love being with Heather, she is such a wonderful godly woman whose walk with the Lord and humilty are such an encouragement to me.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ear Tubes

Thanks so much for your prayers for Mercia. We are so grateful for your care for us through your emails, calls, & especially your prayers. Mercia did great getting her tubes. We arrived at the hospital this morning around 6 am and she was put under anesthesia at 7:40(this was a bit sad for Mommy) and I think the doctor was done the procedure by 8 am. All I can say is I couldn’t be more impressed with Dr. Casler. If you have any ENT needs we would highly recommend him! You know you have a wonderful doctor when you go back to recovery and he is the one holding your daughter on his lap comforting her- God was very kind to provide him. She was pretty cranky for a bit after but a bottle helped (she drank 12 oz. - double her normal) and so did being able to get down and crawl around when we got home.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Ear Update- Again

Today we were blessed to take Mercia to another ENT, Dr. Casler. He goes to our church and was recommended by some others who have gone to him. We went to get his thoughts and we are so grateful we did. He was excellent! He gave us so much time and he so thouroughly explained everything. Upon examining her today he saw that there is so much fluid & pressure in her ears that her ear drum is pulled back into her middle ear almost as far as it can go. So even though there is no infection present she is in a significant amount of pain. And he said an infection is just around the corner. All this being said plus lots more we have decided that the best thing to serve our girlie is give her tubes. This should be happening sometime the next week. So grateful for your continued prayers for her.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Ears Update

We took little Girlie to the ENT on Monday and he said that after 3 ear infections for a child below 1 year old they should get tubes. She’s had 8! But because 7 of them were before we knew about her milk allergy he said to count it as 1. We see him again in a month and if she has another one than he thinks she should get tubes. It is a bit disappointing but I’m learning to trust in God more. We know that God has designed her ears and if tubes are the best thing for her than God will make that clear.

I would love prayer though for the whole allergy thing. Honestly, I’m a bit overwhelmed by her food allergies. I don’t know what to feed her. It seems like anything can set her off and I don’t even know what those things are. I think I am trying so hard for her to not have an allergic reaction so that her ears will stay clear. I am realizing I need to just LET GO. Obviously I’m not going to give her milk but I think I need to loosen up a bit.

Anyway, any prayers for her healing and my heart would be appreciated!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I'm so grateful that our church has recently been going through a series on baptism, teaching clearly our position of believer's baptism. It has especially been a joy the past few weeks to witness the baptisms that have taken place. These have been fresh reminders of God's amazing work of salvation. We have held Karis out of her class so she could witness them as well. She has really enjoyed it and it has prompted some great conversations with her. But my favorite was this:

Mommy: "Where is Daddy?"
Karis: "He is baptizing Jotham in the bathtub."

I guess we still need to work on explaining believer's baptism to her.

On a another note, I read this last week and thought it was beautiful.

3 Generations

Our little man has the privilege of being born on his grandfather, PPaw's birthday. When he was born one of the first things I noticed about him was his hands, and I said to Erik, "He has your Dad's hands." Now he has inherited his bed. When PPaw was a little boy he had bunk beds that he shared with his big brother. When Erik was growing up he slept in the same bunk beds. Now our little Jotham gets to use them. 3 Generations of Sheffer men in the same beds- what a fun tradition.

So far the transition has gone well (of course it has only been 1 day). When we put him down for his nap yesterday he wasn't so sure. He kept saying, "I'm not ready." But if you know our boy, who doesn't like any sort of change or anything new, he never would be ready, so Daddy tucked him in anyway. He woke up after his nap, very proud of himself and asked to sleep there last night. He did great and didn't wake up this morning until 8:30!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Cia- 9 Months

Well our girlie girl is 9 months old (this past Tuesday). We took her for her check up and here are the stats. She's a lightweight at 17lbs. 11 oz (25%). A little tall at 28 inches (50-75%) and nothing exciting with a peanut size 44 cm head (25-50%). She is crawling really well and enjoys being able to get into things and over to people who are around her.

On a disappointing note, she had some fluid in her ears and our doctor thinks we should still take her to the ENT next week. Then the next day she was miserable, crying & clearly in pain so I took her back to the doctor. The fluid had increased and she had another infection. So she is back on antibiotics, doing well now that they've kicked in. The ENT will do a hearing test to determine if she has hearing loss and if she does our doctor would recommend tubes. Please pray that girlie doesn't have any hearing loss and that the ENT will have some other suggestions.

On a similar note she has had a rash on her face for about three weeks. We weren't sure what was causing it so now her food has gone back to being pretty limited (broccoli, oatmeal, applesauce, & green beans). Since limiting it her rash has cleared up. I'm hopeful that the rash & the ears were related and they'll both clear up now that her food has been limited.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hard Work

Dear Little Mercia has just started some finger foods. I went to the store to get some Biter Biscuits for her and discovered that most of these types of food have milk in them. I did find some Apple Wagon Wheels, which she is enjoying in this picture. I like the details of how hard her hands are working to hold onto and eat this little treat- it was hard for her. So hard that she wasn't even able to finish it, it got too small and slippery and she couldn't hold onto it. But someday she'll be able to pick it up with two fingers and stick the whole thing her mouth, chew it, swallow and move on.

Isn't this the stuff of life? God hands us something in our life circumstance. We aren't sure what it is and we tremble with fear and excitement. We grab hold of it and work on it. Sometimes it is such hard work that we want to just give up, not bother. Sometimes even when we work hard we can't get to the end of it. We need to try again the next day.

But the circumstances that God gives us are like this wagon wheel-just the beginning of something. A training ground. If I gave Mercia a real apple she would choke. She doesn't even know yet what is yet to come, all the delicious fruit, and tasty desserts that can be made from them.

Neither do I. I know that life with 3 kids is hard work. I know that everyday I fight hard and something always seem to slip away. Oh Lord, what is yet to come!

Philippians 1:6
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 3:13-14
But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
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Monday, September 10, 2007

Preschool Fun

Even though Karis won't be starting school for another two years I've started doing some little preschool activities with her. Things like activity books and letters of the week. Last week we learned about the letter A. Our first field trip was to go apple picking with our friends the Castros. I didn't really get any good shots of the kids because I was too busy trying to pick apples and keep my stroller from rolling into an apple tree (which it only did one time).

On another note, as part of implementing my daily schedule we have reading time each day. This is where Karis and Jotham sit in our two arms chairs and "read" books. So far it has been going well. Jotham seems to enjoy it as long as I don't make him stay there too long.


Last Tuesday Erik had the day off and we decided to make our annual trip to the National Zoo. We have since decided never to go in the summer again (like we always have) and to always go the first week of September. All the kids are back in school and it is too early for field trips - it was empty! We even got to watch an elephant show. But more than the animals as the zoo I just enjoyed being with my family.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lifehouse Everything Skit

A friend sent this to me tonight with the following disclaimer, "if you get through the first few minutes you'll be touched at the end." The skit is such a sweet reminder of our Savior and all He has done for us that I wanted to share.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I recently read the book Manager’s of Their Homes by Teri Maxwell. It has been very helpful to me in thinking about how I run each day. For the last few weeks I have been working on coming up with a more set daily schedule. The reason I am doing this is because I have been convicted that I am not really doing all that God has called me to do. This is not some mere desire to “do it all.” It really isn’t. I have already learned I cannot do it all and so I rarely even try! What I have realized is I am not making the priorities that God has for me my actual priorities. I have been living my life and running my days (& thereby my kids days) to serve myself. I will rush through things so that I can get to whatever it is I want to do (email, nap, etc). I will push off time playing with the kids doing other things (chores, email, etc.) saying to myself that I “need” to get these things done. The other day I had this very convicting thought: I have been called by God to do certain role (being Erik’s wife and our children’s mom) and I am not doing it nearly as well as I would if I had been hired by someone to do something not even half as important. So as I attempt to schedule more I am hopeful that it will bring some accountability into my life for my role. I desire to do things like chores well but more importantly I desire to build relationally with my children. I want to be “all in” the moments I have with them not thinking “I wish I could post or read a blog now” or “I need to fold the laundry.” God please give me grace to be faithful to what you have called me to.

Steam, Pressure and Escape

I read this today and thought it was too wonderful not to share.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Can I just say THANK YOU

Erik & I just spent the past two days on a personal planning retreat. It was a wonderful time for us evaluating areas in our lives and planning for the future. We are so grateful to God for providing this time. BUT this time would not have been possible if the most wonderful mother-in-law in the world had not sacrificed her time and energy to come down and watch our kids.

Grammer, as she is fondly called, came down and babysat for us from Saturday into Sunday for some meetings and a wedding, went home to PA on Sunday evening and then turned around and came back on Monday night and just left a little bit ago (Wednesday evening). Now, in addition to taking fantastic care of the 3 very tiresome children who adore her, she also cleaned our house. We came home to a spotless (vacuumed) living room, scrubbed clean kitchen floor, kitchen cabinets cleaned inside & out, and through I haven't been upstairs yet I won't be surprised to find laundry washed & folded (since she does this pretty much every time she comes).

So Grammer, since you are one of the faithful readers of this blog, THANK YOU. I do not show my appreciation for you enough. We could not accomplish the things that God calls us to without your love, prayers, support & sacrificial service! We are grateful to God for you.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Family Update

Just wanted to put a few updates on the kiddos.

Karis- She is getting better at riding her bike. She loves playing with Mercia. Though she is still extremely selfish we had a nice report about her welcoming a new girl in her children's ministry class and then she saved her snack so she could give it Jotham. We celebrate God's grace on her.
Jotham- Little man is getting more and more into cars and trains. He is also really enjoying reading more and loves to have us read to him. He is talking more and is getting more into helping at home.

Mercia- She is doing well. The allergist is hopeful she'll grow out of her milk allergy- whew! The other day she rolled into some yogurt that Karis spilled on the carpet (don't ask how that happened) and she starting getting hives. Her favorite thing these days is to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. She still can't move, but we're not complaining.

Joyful Motherhood

So often my day is a fight to be joyful in my role as a mother. I was recently sent this very helpful article and thought I'd pass it along:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

County Fair

One of my favorite things to do every summer is go to the county fair. I love walking through the smelly barns, seeing the beautiful quilts, checking out the photographs, etc. The first Monday the fair opens is usually family day so kids get in free. Since Monday is Erik's day off it always seems to be a perfect time to go. This year was my favorite visit yet. We decided to forgo the rides and amusements and park closer to the barns and exhibits. I'm so glad we did! The kids loved the Old MacDonald's Barn, where they saw lots of baby animals. Each stall they came to filled them with excitement. It was fun running into lots of CLC families. We enjoyed soft pretzels with cheese for lunch and yummy ice cream for dessert.
Karis was thrilled to ride a pony. Jotham later told us that he rode the pony, when we asked him if Karis did he said, "No." We decided he was telling us what he wanted to happen but was too scared to let happen.

Cia hanging out in the stroller. She was very pleasant the entire time.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cute Video

I just watched this video on YouTube and thought it was pretty cute:

Pachelbel Bedtime

Monday, August 13, 2007

Beach Feet

We just got back from a trip to Belmar, NJ. Erik blesses me every year by taking me there for my birthday (it is one of my favorite places on earth). We had a wonderful, refreshing time there. My Mom served us well taking Mercia on numerous occasions so we could take Karis and Jotham to the beach or for bike rides (which they love).

I was also able to use my birthday present (my camera) a lot. I enjoyed trying to take "artsy" pictures- I'm not talented at photography but I enjoy it.
So here is my "series" on feet:

Summer Birthdays

Every year in July we go to York, PA to celebrate summer birthdays with our family there. I know it was awhile ago but I wanted to post a few pictures. It is also a great time with lots of great food and fun with family.

This year Karis got comfortable enough to "swim" on her own.

Jotham loved the corn on the cob- it is always SOOOO good.

Girlie Update

Thank you for those of you who have prayed for Cia over the past few months. A few weeks ago we took her to the doctor again and he recommended that we take her to an ENT for tubes. We asked him about taking her to an allergist because I had read a study that linked ear infections to allergies. He said it was worth pursuing. We are so grateful we did. About 3 weeks ago we took her to a wonderful allergist (thanks Jenni for the recommendation) who was able to determine that she has a "life-threatening" allergy to milk (she got hives from the prick test). Anyway, that day we switched her from nursing to soy formula and it has made a huge difference. Her skin went from sandpaper to silk. And she has been ear infection free for 3 weeks now (this is the longest she has gone since March). We are so thankful to God for healing her and making us aware of the allergy in the way he did.

On another note she has started rolling all over the place and sits up pretty well now. Yesterday she was getting up on all four. She is making lots more noises now. She is a real sweetie and we just adore her.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Quote of the Day

I recently read The Shaping of a Christian Family by Elisabeth Elliot. In a chapter on Work & Play I appreciated this quote:

"Ordinary work, which is what most of us do most of the time, is ordained by God every bit as much as is the extraordinary. All work done for God is spiritual work and therefore not merely a duty but a holy privilege."

I don't know about you but there is not much "extraordinary" in my day: diapers, dishes, running noses, etc. It is a good reminder for me that the work God has called me is a privilege.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Heaven is “a Father’s House”- the house of that God of whom Jesus says, “I go to my Father, and your Father.” It is, in a word, home: the home of Christ and Christians. This is a sweet and touching expression. Home, as we all know, is the place where we are generally loved for our own sakes, and not for our gifts or possessions; the place where we are loved to the end, never forgotten and always welcome. This is the idea of heaven.

Heaven is a place of "many mansions." There will be room for all believers and room for all sorts, for little saints as well as great ones, for the weakest believers as well as for the strongest. The feeblest child of God need not fear there will be no place for him. None will be shut out but the impenitent sinners and obstinate unbelievers.

Heaven is a place where Christ Himself shall be present. He will not be content to dwell without His people:- "Where I am, there ye shall be also." We need not think that we shall be alone and neglected. Our Saviour,- our elder Brother,- our Redeemer, who loved us and gave Himself for us, shall be in the midst of us for ever. What we shall see, and whom we shall see in heaven, we cannot fully conceive yet, while we are in the body. But one thing is certain: we shall see Christ.

-JC Ryle commenting on John 14: 1-3

Dear little Micah Man has gone home to be with Jesus. Sweet comfort comes through Christ alone. Please pray for his Mommy & Daddy, his brother & sister, his Maw & Paw, and his Nana & G as well as his large extended family.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Our Beach Adventure- Highlights

It has been a few days since I posted on our beach adventure. Thanks for all of you who prayed for our time. Jenn, the kids & I had a great time. Jenn has posted on here and she has included a few pictures. Before going Erik & I talked about and prayed for a few goals for my time: to enjoy fellowship with Jenn, to be tender and grow in affection with my kids, and to be prayerful. All things considered I would say that God answered our prayers. As I share my highlights (in no particular order) I think you'll see how.

Highlight 1: 6 car seats in the car! This was a such a blessing as it allowed Jenn & I to talk all the way up to the beach and all the way home. I love talking with my dear friend and this time was no exception. Thanks Jenn for doing life with me.
Highlight 2: Sleeping the same bed with Karis. Karis, Mercia & I shared a bedroom and Karis and I shared the same bed. I would tug Cia into bed and then about 1 hour later Karis would go to bed. She did a great job not waking her sister up. Mercia on the other hand did not return the favor. She woke us both us 2 nights in a row and was eventually banished in the middle of night to sleep in the bathroom (I packed up her pack n play and carried her downstairs at 4 am). But really Karis was so sweet through it all, very patient and loving toward her sister (unlike her Mommy). I loved holding hands with her as we slept and feeling her hand on my face checking to make sure I was still there.

Highlight 3: Time with Jotham. My boy does not like having his picture taken. After taking a few shots of him one day on the beach as he was playing with a car I could tell he was sort of lonely for a friend (all the other kids were ocean bound). So I said, "Do you want Mommy to put the camera away?" He said, "Yes, Mommy." When I did, he said, "Thank you Mommy, play cars with me?" And we had a nice time playing cars in the sand. It is sweet to just spend time with him.

Highlight 4: Mercia's time with Grandma Susan. Girlie had some rough nights sleeping but her days were filled with lots of time with Grandma Susan. She was content as long as my Mom was hanging out with her. She even rolled over a few time for her.

Thanks again for those of you who prayed- very grateful! And thank you Mom & Dad for a wonderful time. I always love being with you.

Bike Ride

Here is a short video of Karis riding her bike. This is a big milestone in her life, especially because her Mommy didn't learn how to ride until she was in 4th grade. Sorry it isn't the best quality. :)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Micah Man

Please continue to pray for Micah and his family. The Davis Family Blog has a recent update.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our Beach Adventure- Day 2

Thank you for those of you who are praying for "Our Beach Adventure." Jenn & I are grateful for you prayers and have already seen them answered though not in ways we expected. Neither of us got much sleep last night, sharing rooms with kids does that. Jenn was with Aubreigh & Aiden and they were coughing all night and Aubreigh was sick in Jenn's bed. I slept with Karis and Mercia, who were both talking and keeping me awake. Karis said at one point, "It is to distracting to sleep with a grown-up." Hint-hint Mom find another place to sleep!

So anyway this morning we discussed our plans for the day- a trip to Dunkin Donuts, a Sandcastle Building Contest, the Beach, etc. Not long after our discussion my Mom looked out the window and said, "You have a flat tire." Funny thing is, Aubreigh prayed we wouldn't have a flat tire because 3 years ago we took a trip together and got a flat tire that time as well!

But here is the kindness of God. My Mom has AAA, they came out to change put the spare tire on BUT his wasn't able to because Jenn has special lug nuts on her tires and you need a special key to get them off- the key happens to be in the Dabbs garage in MD (note - if your car dealer gives you something and you don't know what it is keep it in your car not your garage). So he blew the tire up and I drove it 2 miles to a local car place and they were able to patch it up in about 10 minutes! All this to say, God is so kind in not letting the tire blow out when we were driving here. Our plans were changed but we are safe and know that God protected us from a much worse possibility.

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our Beach Adventure- Day 1

We made it. Jenn arrived at my house around 7:30 am. We feed the kiddos and packed them up- all 6 in the back!! The great news- no one threw up and the babies even took short naps. We only had to make one short stop for an emergency - "Mom, I have to pee- RIGHT NOW." All I can say is DVD players are wonderful.

After arriving around noon, we feed the kids, napped a few of them and then took off for the beach. It seems like 3 of the 6 kids love the beach and 2 are not sure and 1 only liked the sand. Here are few pictures from our day so far. I have lots of highlights so far but I really enjoyed watching Aiden get knocked over by a wave and then going back for more.

I tried to upload some pictures but blogger is having problems. So maybe another day.

Monday, July 16, 2007


My favorite friend posted some pictures of recent outing we took this past Saturday and the details of our upcoming Beach Adventure. Please keep us in prayer. As she mentions in her post 2 Mom and 6 kids under 5. Jenner is faithful in being proactive. I'm just keeping my expectations low!

See you tomorrow Mom & Dad.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Great Thoughts- from Others

I thought I'd post with some links to some blog entries that I've read recently that encouraged my soul. Some of these people I know, some of them I don't. I can say I find it very encouraging to read blogs of other moms. It is hard in here- in our homes- so it helps to know that others are walking the same path with you.

Here are two from Preschoolers & Peace:
So you thought...

Three from Raising Five:
Set Your Course
Setting My Course-beginning
Setting My Course-desire

From Domestic Life:

From Castro Clan:
What Really Matters

There are more but breakfast is calling.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Girlie Update

It has been awhile since I recorded any data on our little wee one. So I have some evidence to give her when she is 20 and tells me I didn't do anything to preserve her childhood here goes-

On 6/18/07 she had her 6 month visit. She weighed 15 lbs 5 oz and was 25 1/2 inches tall. We both agree she is chunkier than other two were but everyone who sees her says she is small.

She now has two teeth. They both came in over the past week. She is enjoying several solids foods- green beans, peas, prunes, apples, oatmeal, rice, avocado, zucchini and her favorite, broccoli.

She is a real sweetheart and we adore her. She is much more laid back and content than Jotham and Karis were and if it weren't for her ear infections she would be a very easy baby. But even with those she is still very pleasant to be around most days.

As for her ears- she got another infection while we were away, went on antibiotics which did nothing for her, we took her back to the doctor they day we got back and she still had a pretty bad infection and a lot of fluid in her ears. She went on another antibiotic. At this point the doctor is leaning towards recommending tubes. We have an appointment to take her to an allergist, since I read some interesting articles about ear infections and allergies. If you think of her please pray for healing. We can tell when she has fluid in her ears because she stops babbling and cooing and only cries. But when the fluid is gone she says, mamamama & babababa- it is so sweet.

Friday, July 6, 2007

July 4th

We were so blessed to have some of our closest friends over to celebrate the Fourth of July. It wasn't much of picnic due to the weather (it actually hailed) but we had a great time regardless. Not long ago when we got together with these folks there were only 3 or 4 children there. Now there were at 15 kids present. The Lord has truly blessed us all.

Thank you to everyone who came- we love you all dearly and are so thankful that God has placed you in our lives.

I tried to post some pictures but blogger was having a problem- perhaps I'll add some later.

Vacation Part 2- Sea Isle City

After leaving Williamsburg we drove up to the Jersey shore and stayed with Grammer & PPaw for a few days. It was wonderful being in Sea Isle City with them again this year. They always go out of their way to serve us. Last year Jotham wanted nothing to do with the sand and would only stay on the island of mom but this year he enjoyed running around and digging in it. BUT he wanted nothing to do with the ocean and he was very upset if you brought him near it OR if you went in by yourself. I think he was worried we'd get swept out to sea. Karis on the other hand loved both the sand and the ocean. She had a great time running around in it.

We also went to the Cape May Zoo and to Wildwood. It downpoured while we were at the zoo but we had seen most of the animals by then anyway. In Wildwood the kids enjoyed more rides and we all enjoyed pizza at Romeo's.

Here are few pictures.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Vacation Part 1- Williamsburg

We just returned from vacation and I wanted to post a few pictures and highlights from our time away. This year my family decided to go to Williamsburg and we had a great time. It was wonderful being with my Mom & Dad, my brother Josh & sister in law Linda, and my nieces & nephew Ashley, Hannah, & Jude. We went to Busch Gardens, Water Country, Colonial Williamsburg & Jamestown. We stayed at a great resort. The kids had a blast at Busch Gardens, Karis loved the rides. Jotham "loved" the rides - as long as they weren't moving. He so wanted to get on all of them but as soon as it started to move he would start crying- "No More, I don't like it, All Done." He was pulling out all his phrases- actually by the end of our time he started to enjoy them even when they were moving. Water Country has this river, the Hubba Hubba Highway, that you wear life jackets in and float around in. When Karis finally got over her fear and let go of us she doggie paddled around it over and over and just loved it- we did too. I loved Colonial Williamsburg but it was sweltering hot the day we went and I also really appreciated Jamestown Settlement- it amazing to think that everything I experience today in America came from that only 400 years ago.

Thank you Mom & Dad for a wonderful vacation. We had a such an enjoyable time and are so grateful you planned this trip. We made memories we'll never forget.

I took a ton of pictures with our new camera (thanks again Hubby for my early Birthday Present). Here are just a few.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


June 20th marked the beginning of blueberry picking around these parts. I really wanted to go picking and since we leave Friday for vacation I figured I had to go without Erik. So I emailed a couple of friends and blueberry picking we went! Here are a few pictures. To get to the blueberries you have to take a tractor ride, Jotham was very excited about this UNTIL we actually tried to get on the tractor- when he said, "No, thank you, I don't like it." It is nice that he was polite. I had to pick him up and carry him on crying. You can see in the picture Karis & Jotham were a little nervous.

Thanks Jenn & Helen for coming out- it is always great to be with you and your kiddos.