Monday, December 22, 2008

Update & Prayer Request

Most people who read this blog probably already know that Erik has been dealing with some sickness for about 6 weeks now. It all started the first weekend in November when he was having some severe chest pain that brought us to the ER. After several hours there, two x-rays and a CAT scan revealed that he had a 2 cm mass in lung. We were told to followup with a specialist. The first thing the specialist wanted to rule out was an atypical case of pneumonia (most pneumonia doesn't locate itself into a mass). So he was treated with high dose antibiotics for 10 days. He seemed to improve but the next x-ray showed the mass still there so he went through another 10 days of antibiotics and then another CAT scan last Monday. After following up with the doctor, the mass is clearly still there and clearly still 2 cm. The doctor is still hopeful that it is just another type of infection but he will be having a bronchoscophy on the 30th to hopefully determine if the area is infection or possibly a tumor. We'd love your prayers for this procedure.

You probably also know that I am pregnant due in mid-January. We found out on Friday that baby boy is breech. Mercia was breech and because my water had broken and she was a footling breech we had to do a c-section. If he does not turn we will be faced with decisions about c-section, external version (to turn him manually from the outside) or delivering breech. We are praying he'll turn on his own!

Anyway, we'd love for your prayers!


Katie said...

We will continue to pray. So good to know that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. Love you guys.

amy said...

jerusha, we will definitely be keeping you all in prayer, especially as you have so much going on. may the Lord keep your hearts steadfast, trusting in the Lord's good plan and deep love for you. nothing will be beyond what you can bear. please don't hesitate to let us know if you need anything, even if it's just some meals or babysitting! we are incredibly grateful for you all!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheffers. I will be thinking of your health, both mom and dad. Take care, and give an update after the 30th. Happy Holidays, Jon Wilson
(the father son on-the-shoulders pic had my crackin up.)

Gina said...

I will continue to pray. I pray you have peace throughout the holidays and look forward to seeing how He will reveal His goodness through this. I am at the throne on your behalf.

I. Najarro said...

We're praying for you guys! May God's peace be with both of you.