Monday, August 13, 2007

Girlie Update

Thank you for those of you who have prayed for Cia over the past few months. A few weeks ago we took her to the doctor again and he recommended that we take her to an ENT for tubes. We asked him about taking her to an allergist because I had read a study that linked ear infections to allergies. He said it was worth pursuing. We are so grateful we did. About 3 weeks ago we took her to a wonderful allergist (thanks Jenni for the recommendation) who was able to determine that she has a "life-threatening" allergy to milk (she got hives from the prick test). Anyway, that day we switched her from nursing to soy formula and it has made a huge difference. Her skin went from sandpaper to silk. And she has been ear infection free for 3 weeks now (this is the longest she has gone since March). We are so thankful to God for healing her and making us aware of the allergy in the way he did.

On another note she has started rolling all over the place and sits up pretty well now. Yesterday she was getting up on all four. She is making lots more noises now. She is a real sweetie and we just adore her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you all! What a wonderful blessing to find out how to help your little one. will be interesting to see how sweet and happy she becomes now that she won't be feeling so poorly [since she was always so sweet and happy anyway!].

What a sweetheart.