Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow, Snow Come Out in the Snow

If you know my husband you know he LOVES snow, I mean really LOVES snow. Much to his delight we had our first snow storm, we got about 5 inches, which in my opinion is a decent amount of snow and in his opinion is just about a dusting. Anyway, the kids were so excited to got out and play that I braved the cold bundled up and took them out. I think Jotham has his Daddy in and could have stayed out there all day. We went out again later in the afternoon with Mercia, who didn't last long and Jotham stayed outside twice as long as Karis (it was nice for me that Erik was home this time around).

On an more exciting note, I have new niece. She born on December 4th and her name is Evangelene Jerusha Shea (I think, it isn't totally official). I can't wait to meet her in person. My sister-in-law is one of the most wonderful people I know and she is trooper through very difficult pregnancies- I'm so glad everything went well for the delivery. It is such a honor to me that she either has or might have my name.

1 comment:

Seth and Janet said...

the last picture has to be my favorite. mercia looks like she is about to tip over!