Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Traditions

When I was growing up my parents used to decorate our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve after my brother & I went to bed. I remember one of my highlights from Christmas was waking up in the morning to see the Christmas tree. Erik & I have started a variation of this. One night after Thanksgiving, Erik & I decorate our Christmas tree and then a few hours later we wake up the kids and bring them downstairs to see the Christmas tree and have cookies and milk. I think this is a highlight for Karis as she's been talking about it a lot.

This is a picture of Erik & the kids looking at the tree through special glasses that turn Christmas lights into stars and snowmen. Another tradition we have is to go visit the Winter Lights at Great Seneca. This is a light show that you drive through. Since you are going so slowly we allow the kids to come up front and sit on our laps and eat cookies and drink hot chocolate. They both loved the lights show and wanted to go through again.

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