Friday, December 18, 2009


My wild child has turned 3. How quickly the time has gone by since she was a baby, breech in my belly and I was headed for the worst experience of my life (my c-section).

Here are some of thoughts as you turn 3:

Mercia Anew, a good name for you, because I have truly needed mercy each new day with some of your behavior. But like mercy you are so often the most precious thing I have around. Your joy and laughter are contagious and there is nothing I like better than making you laugh. Your sweet smile, bright eyes and chubby cheeks are at their cutest right now, lighting up my heart every time I see you. I love the passion you have for everything you do, you are all or nothing. You either eat all your food (with gusto)or not a bite. You climb into our laps with force making your presence known and felt. You love babies and are very sweet and gentle with them. I think you've reached your perfect age, I cannot imagine you getting any better than you are right now- foolish disobedience and all! I love you so very much and I wish you I could you keep you just like this forever (especially since you are now fully potty trained).

In the Beginning...

My kids have been memorizing verses from the Bible for a few years. Karis is a pro, since December 1 she has memorized Luke 2:1-20. Jotham on the other hand has some trouble. For a year he said "Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning God created the heavens and earth." But for some reason whenever I would say, "Okay Jotham say Genesis 1:1" he would look at me blankly and say, "Children, obey?" One day a few months ago I had a breakdown and made him say it 20 times in a row.

Currently he has been working on Luke 2:10-11 "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be sign for you, you will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothing and lying in a manger."

So the other day he was practicing Luke 2 and Cia was really noisy and I couldn't hear him so I said, "Hold on start in the beginning." He looked at me totally confused and said, "In the beginning, with Adam and Eve?" Yes, son I want you to recite the entire Bible up to Luke 2. My very literal son, how I love him!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

9 Years

Today Erik & I celebrate 9 years of marriage. How quickly the time has passed since we first met and fell in love and then joined our lives together. Marriage has been better than I ever imagined it could be. I am a blessed and happy wife to have such an amazing husband. He never ceases to lay down his life for me. He brings such joy in my life that without him I am lost. This year has been challenging for him physically with his Crohn's disease but he has never complained and he always walks with joy and faith in his suffering. I am amazed at how he pushes himself for me, the children and others, never letting any of know that it is hard.

Love, thank you for seeking me and making me your wife. I have never had any regrets for marrying you. You are and will ALWAYS be the love of my life. You bring me peace and joy and comfort and there is no one I want to spend my days with. Though I constantly fail at expressing it well, I love you so very much.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Favorite Christmas Music

I love Christmas Music and could really listen to it all year. Around our home we start officially after Halloween. I thought I'd pass on some of my favorites in case anyone was looking for something new.

Third Day's Christmas Offerings

Casting Crowns' Peace on Earth

Big Daddy Weave's Christ Is Come (this is new this year and I am very much enjoying it)

And my personal ALL TIME FAVORITE Christmas Album. Takes you on the journey through the entire Bible leading up to the birth of Christ. I cannot recommend this CD enough.

Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God. I'm not sure why it is so expensive on Amazon's site but you can also download it from here.

Anyone, have any favorites they want to pass on. My husband would recommend this but it makes me want to ... hum.. what is a nice way to say "throw up."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jotham's View of Life

I love the way our son sees things, he has a great imagination. Recently he has taken to drawing. He said, I don't want to just scribble anymore and he started actually making things. For awhile it was mostly fire and rockets but today he came down and presented me with this drawing of me.

This is his description: "This is you. These are your rosy checks (the red circles NOT on my face). This is your joyful happy face. This is the baby in your tummy. This (the lines and drawing on the outside) is the fire and dragons and scary stuff."

And yes, it is accurate that there is a baby in my tummy (due early July).

Saturday, November 21, 2009


There is a line in one of my favorite movies, It's A Wonderful Life. The Father tells George, "You were born older." This has definitely been true of my girl, now 6, going on 30. There are so many things I LOVE about this girl. Recently though I have been thinking about the things that she does that make her so different from me. She loves mustard - I can't stand it. She loves to draw - she is clearly better than me. She loves dresses & skirts- I avoid them at all costs. I love that this is how God made her. She isn't this way because I've trained her to like these things - she loves them because she is her own person, fearfully & wonderfully made by God. Being the selfish, self-centered person that I am it is so much easier for me to like being around people that like the same things that I do but here is a person, different and yet amazing to me. She is a gift and I can not imagine living this life without her. I love seeing the world through her eyes, hearing her thoughts, sharing her joys and her sorrows. Karis, it is a privilege to be your Mother. I love sharing life with you!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Edward Tulane

Karis and I just read a wonderful book called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. I am sucker for anything touching and this did it for me. Now, I need to read some other books by this author.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today I gave the kids lollipops after lunch. When Jotham had finished his he said, "Mom, can I save this (the wrapper)." I said, "Sure." He said, "Thanks, I'm going to put it in my drawer." At this point I think he is talking about his "secret drawer" that he keeps his special toys (or random items he gets attached to). But then he said, "I'm going to put it in my drawer so my underwear smells good."

Cracked me up, not sure where he got the idea that underwear needs to smells good. And in case you are wondering, I do not have fancy lavender or anything else in my drawers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Budding Photographers

Yesterday I let Jotham and Karis take turns taking pictures with my camera. Since I am usually taking pictures of them they both wanted to take pictures of me. I am not posting any of my solo modeling job but I thought these were cute.

By Jotham

By Karis:

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mary Jones

This is such a provoking story.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


There is a blog that gives a daily quote from one of my favorite Christian authors.

I was especially blessed by this one, today:

“The happiest people in this world are those who make the Bible the rule of their lives. They read their Bibles often. They believe what the Bible says. They love that Savior, Jesus Christ, of whom the Bible speaks. They try to obey what the Bible commands. None are so happy as these people. They cannot prevent sickness and trouble from coming to them at times. But they learn from the Bible to bear them patiently. Children, if you would get through this world happily, make the Bible your best friend.”

~ J.C. Ryle,
[Addressed to Children]
Boys and Girls Playing, 126.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkin Pie

If you are looking for a yummy pumpkin pie recipe try this one from all recipes- it very very good.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Green Tomatoes

So we had a TON of green tomatoes left over from our garden. It seemed crazy to just throw them out so I made Fried Green Tomatoes and Green Tomato Raspberry Jam.

I love fried green tomatoes, unfortunately no one in my family does. So hopefully they'll enjoy the jam.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Apple Cider Donuts & Little House

Every year Erik goes away on a retreat with the other pastor's from our church. I often try to go up to NJ to visit my family. Last year, I discovered a cider mill near one of my favorite state parks. They had the best Apple Cider Donuts! I could have eaten 6 (I only ate one and maybe a few bites Jotham's). This year my Dad & Mom were able to join us which made it even better. Cia just loves Grandma Susan and she also loves donuts.

During our time in NJ, my Mom also took Karis & I to see the new musical Little House. It was a fun show and had Melissa Gilbert as Ma, which made it even more fun. Thanks Mom & Dad for such a great time last week.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Agricultural History Fall Festival

Every year there is a Harvest Festival at our local Agricultural History Farm Park. It is $10 for the carload and is a wonderful day with the kids. I usually go on Sunday after church and stay for only 2 hours but you could spend much more time. I think we only do about a quarter of the activities. I didn't take many pictures because I have my hands full with all four kids (since Erik is still at church). But I liked this picture of Karis hauling water.

If you are nearby, I highly recommend this Fall activity.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Random Quotes

Today we went on a field trip to the White House, we have a friend who works there and he was able to give us a tour! We were so grateful for the opportunity to go. During the tour he was showing us different things and asking us questions. I had to record this conversation.

Travis: Do you know who the first lady is?
Karis: Eve.

Then later in the day out of the blue Jotham and I had this conversation:

Jotham: Mommy, I want you to have another baby in your tummy and I want you to name him John.

Me: John, how come?

Jotham: So he can be one of Jesus' disciples

Gotta love the cute things they say.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Taste of Summer

As summer comes to a close so do the last days of our garden, I probably should say, "Erik's Garden." This year, Erik planted and took care of a vegetable garden with tomatoes, peppers, squash, and cucumber. We had over 300 tomatoes and aside from the few we gave away we ate them all! We really love tomatoes.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our first week of school

Last week was Karis' first "official" week of kindergarten. The week went well and I was grateful for the opportunity to homeschool her. I loved how excited she was to show her Daddy and various friends her school books and what she is learning. There was nothing greater than being with her to celebrate her success in something, especially when she was surprised she succeeded! At one point she leap into my arms to hug me when she realized she had gotten something right that she has previously gotten wrong- what joy that brought me. I know that there will be tough days ahead (because there were tough days in the past) but I am thankful that God gave us such a peaceful, enjoyable week.

She is changing and growing so quickly these days. I just love her so much!

My New Car

A 1949 Ford Woodie Wagon... don't you love it... I do... but Erik says I am dreaming!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009


As I mentioned in the previous post it was wonderful being with Erik's parents on Labor Day weekend. His Mom continues to feel well but could still use your prayers. I cherish all the time the kids get with their Grammer these days and pray there will many more years with her.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Picture of the Car

This is my car after the accident. The crazy thing is the guy hit me on the drivers side and all that damage happened on the other side as well. God is SO good to us!

Two Wheeling

We went to the beach Labor Day weekend to spend some time with Erik's parents. We had a great time. One of the highlights was Karis learning to ride a 2 Wheeler. I have video where she has more control, this was I think her 3rd day and the video just cracks me up.

Erik basically ran beside her. And I know she should be wearing helmet, she did every other time but for some reason they just forgot when they went out this day.

Car Accident

Yesterday I was in a car accident. I had all four kids and my best friends daughter in the car. Today we are praising God for his amazing mercy on us. No one was hurt and the kids were only scared. I am experiencing some pain (soreness really) in my neck and arm (I hit my head during the accident). We are pretty sure the car is totaled (since the front end is basically missing). It truly is amazing we all walked away from the accident. If I had been forward in the lane another foot I am sure I would not be writing this today.

Please pray for us as we work out all the details with insurance and for my quick healing. Please especially pray that kids will be amazed at God's kindness toward us.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Few Things About Me..

Random, not very interesting facts about me.

I LOVE Snapple Ice Tea, it is my favorite and my kids are usually able to "read" the label at a very young age. I don't just like any Snapple, I like this one and pretty much only this one in a glass bottle cold (NOT plastic- it doesn't taste the same). Some facts about me and Snapple. I love to shake it up, hit the bottom hard (to pop the lid) and then crack it open- I love the sound. That first taste of a COLD Snapple- so good.

Another truth about me and Snapple is that I don't drink it often (unless I am at the beach) but I usually keep one hidden someplace in my fridge so that on those know those days...the ones where your brain doesn't work, the kids are melting down and you just need something to feel better about life...those kind of days (I know that isn't very godly or theological- but God does give us all things to enjoy)...anyway on those days... I crack one open and smile.

Another random fact about me is I love American History so about a year ago I started reading biographies on American Presidents. I am only on James Madison (to be honest he is pretty boring).

Today, as I was drinking a Snapple, I read on the lid (where they give you "Real Facts") that Abe Lincoln was the tallest president at 6'4" and James Madison was the shortest at 5'4". Now isn't that interesting.

Anyway, enough about me.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Creative Moment

I often tell people that I am not creative, I guess this is only partially true. The real truth is that I am not crafty. I am purely a girl of function, beauty is second-rate compared to function in my world. So I had a problem. In planning for our school year I didn't have any place to hang maps. I looked at getting those pull-down classroom maps but they were over $200 and that just isn't in the budget. So in a rare creative, somewhat crafty moment I thought why I don't I just try to make my own using vinyl shades and these paper maps that I have. I spent $12 and probably a hour and half and this is what I got.

I am so pleased with my results- I hope they last BUT even if they don't I only spent $12.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This Was Great

If you haven't seen this yet it is a must watch. What a JOY marriage is and what a great way to start it. It is funny because just yesterday I was thinking how I would love for one of our kids to have this song as their wedding march.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Erik & I are so grateful to the many people who serve us so we can have a date night. It is so fun to hear stories of how the kids interact with these people. It truly is a gift to have other people investing in our children. The other night a couple came over and later we heard this story, which I share for my memory.

Just thought I'd share a story from Saturday night which I forgot about when you guys came home. We were reading the bedtime story about the Minpins and had come to a point when Little Billy had entered the Forest of Sin. There was a picture of Little Billy surrounded by huge trees in a very dark setting. It was scary.

Now, somehow, we had brought to debate what one should do if a bear came after you in the woods. Karis won the debate, which had something to do with climbing the trees and then jumping from branch to branch like Tarzan, but then Jotham piped in with an interesting scenario, he said: "If me and Karis and Mercia and Jedidiah and Mom were in the woods I would take my dad and and he would pray to the Lord to protect us."

I suppose we can look at this in two ways, there is amazing grace in Jotham's life and some of our training is getting through OR Jotham doesn't think Erik is tough enough to get a bow and arrow and kill the bear. I'm hoping it is the first.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I'm remembering Micah this day. Please join me in praying for his amazing family.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Remove your shoes...

About 3 weeks ago I put my older three kids in the car, buckled everyone in and then went inside to get Jedi. When we arrived at church and I can only find one of Jotham's shoes. After looking all over the car I ask him, "Did you throw your shoe out of the car?" And he looks at me and says, "Are you going to be mad?" I said, "Yes." And he said, "Yes, I did."

Because of my is husband serving at church on Sunday we go by ourselves, I very glad to release him, though this was one moment when I wished I could have had him there. I made the decision that Jotham would just have to go barefoot- it was good the pavement wasn't too hot. So in I walked with my children sort of hoping no would notice. Of course the first people we saw noticed and said, "Jotham, where are your shoes?" And then everyone we saw who didn't notice was told by Karis, "Jotham, doesn't have any shoes on?"

So yes, that is me, the pastor's wife who brings her kids to church without any shoes. Maybe I should have told people that we were learning about Moses at home.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Six Months

Our Little Guy has quickly turned 6 months right before our eyes. What a joy it has been having him in our family these six months. He is by far the sweetest, most content baby we have had. His joy and contentment amaze me. I know the day will come when he joins the chorus of complaints that goes on around me daily but for now I am very much enjoying his smiles and coos. Following his laid back style he doesn't do much of anything yet. He can sit up (for brief amounts of time) but he doesn't yet roll or crawl or pull up, and he doesn't say mama or dada. He is one of those babies that should make all other Mom's feel good about all the things their babies are doing (not that I'm encouraging you to sinfully compare).
I love how he relates to his siblings. He loves talking with Karis and just studies her when she talks to him. He also loves to go for her glasses. Jotham is really the only one who can make him laugh. He does this by throwing stuffed animals at him. For some reason this really delights Jedi and he cracks up. It doesn't work when I do it- something about rough-housing with your brother I suppose. Mercia loves to push him in the swing and is often saying, "Jedidiah, a happy boy!" He loves when she comes over to play with him.
The reflux medicine and the formula are really helping him. He went from 25% to 50% in weight (17 lbs. 8 oz). He is is 26 3/4 inches tall, which a little above 50%. Unfortunately he has "expensive tastes" (as the doctor called it). He drinks the hypoallergenic formula which is, no joke, 3 to 4 times as expensive as regular but the regular formula makes him miserable and we don't like that.
He is a darling boy. He loves when I sing and talk with him making such great eye contact I just never want to stop. His one great accomplishment is his grip, he can hold Erik's fingers and hang on for about 30 seconds all on his own, supporting his own body weight- it is pretty funny to watch.
Jedi- you are a joy and delight to your family. We love you so much and cannot imagine our family without you. I can't wait to see who you are going to become, what your likes and dislikes will be. I pray you will have a heart the seeks hard after God. Your named means beloved of the Lord, I hope you embrace this and cherish the truth that you are beloved as his child.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vacation is for...

Long Naps on the beach

Holding hands and watching sports

Making new friends on the beach

Building Sandcastles with Daddy

Eating a trough full of Ice Cream at Yum Yum's.

Pizza with Steve at Romeo's

And SO much more that didn't get captured on camera because it was being experienced.
Enjoy the rest of summer.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No More Bugs

Last night I told Cia that we were going to the doctor today for him to take the bugs out of her ears so they didn't hurt anymore.
When I woke her up this morning at 5:45 am, she said, "No more bugs? Doctor?"
That's right sweety, no more bugs!
Everything went well- thanks for your prayers.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm a big reader. I really, really love to read. I can often feel like I don't have enough time to read all that I want to read. When I hear of a book I want to read I almost always try to get it right away, from the library, I am a HUGE fan of libraries- endless amounts of organized books that don't need to be cleaned up or put away in my house- what could be better.

To curb my reading obsession a few years ago I decided to only read fiction in the summer. Today, I came across this quote by Ron Bently that has changed my mind.

“Good fiction conveys truth even though it’s not factual.”

This is so true! I can't tell you the way my life has been blessed by good fiction. Les Misérables, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Jane Eyre- these are such favorites and have enriched my life greatly often drawing me closer to truth.

Now, as a Mom I love introducing my kids to great books. I am always on the lookout for good authors and stories. If you ever have any suggestions please pass it my way.

Two of my current favorites from the library today:
The Old Woman Who Named Things by Cynthia Rylant. This was a "Mommy why are you crying?" book.
Dogger by Shirley Hughes I'm enjoying this author quite a bit these days. She also wrote All About Alfie which the kids and I really enjoyed. My kids can very much relate to her stories and I like how the people in the illustrations are very ordinary people (like a Mom with a some extra baby weight).


Please pray for our little wild child, Mercia. She will be getting tubes in her ears tomorrow morning. This is her second set as the first set fell out (it is supposed to). We are praying for no complications and that it will help her struggle with ear infections and pain.


Sunday, June 21, 2009


Yesterday we were at a wedding in Alexandria, Va. The ceremony was at 2 and the reception wasn't until 6 so with a few hours to kill we went to a coffee shop with two of Erik's oldest friends, Tony & Emily. After we were sitting in the shop talking for a while we noticed some cops outside and then some secret service agents walking around. When we looked out the window and saw 8 black SUVs we knew it must be the Presidential motorcade. We went outside and learned that Obama was getting ice cream two stores down with his girls. So we stood there waiting for him to come out when a secret service agent basically invited us to go inside and get ice cream. Emily, who is a very big fan of the president, and I decided to go. He was just hanging out eating ice cream with his girls, just like a normal dad, trying to ignore all the people staring at them. Just as we finished buying our ice cream he got up to leave. I sort of pushed Emily up to get a picture with him and just as she was shaking hands with him I shot it (on her phone).

Anyway, a fun memory. See pictures of the event here.

Friday, June 12, 2009


This is our Houdini child. You might notice that her pajama's are safety pinned closed (with an old fashion diaper pin). That is because about 6 months ago she decided that getting naked was more important than obeying Mom and Dad. After several months of training and to eliminate some temptation in her life and ours we resorted to safety pinning her closed. At first we used a regular safety pin, that only worked a few days. You might also notice that the pin has to go through the snap tab at the top of the pjs. That is because even with it safety pinned closed she can still get herself out of it. I started realizing her skill and the perseverance in her life when I found her (on several occasions) naked and the pjs were still pinned at the top.

The second skill our girl possesses is in driving. She can move her crib across her room. She is quite talented at this. She holds the railing, leans back and throws her body forward. Using this momentum she can get across the room rather quickly. Which is why her crib is now attached to the wall (on two corners). We did have 40 pounds of weights on legs but this also didn't work for long.

I really can't imagine what she is going to be like at age 5.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Today we went Squawberry Picking, at least that's what you call it if you are four years old, still suck your thumb and can't pronounce it correctly (I won't give any names). Late May, early June brings a yummy time of year. Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits (wasn't God good to give them to us) and also one of my favorite hobbies- jam making.

Making Jam is a family event. Some of us pick:

Some of us eat:

So much fun just to get this:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tent City

Last year I posted about visiting Ocean Grove for my birthday. Last weekend when we went to the beach, Karis & I took a bike ride there with my camera so I could take some pictures. I really LOVE tent city and would love to spend a summer there. The waiting list to get one is something like 20 years, so I should probably get my name on the list now. Unfortunately Erik is not the slightest bit interested in sleeping in a tent all summer. I guess this poses a problem for me.

If you happen to be at the Jersey Shore, Ocean Grove is a fun and quiant place to visit.

Friday, May 29, 2009

4 Years Old

This picture was taken 4 years ago when we brought our Jotham home from the hospital. How long it seems.
Jotham, your arrival into our world came as a surprise, even though you were over a week late. I expected to labor for 12 hours and was surprised to find you in my arms 4 hours after my first contraction and less than 10 minutes after pushing. I remember Daddy telling me that I was doing great (pushing) and thinking he was lying to me. He also told me that I was going to like it so much better (than 12 hours of labor) at the time I thought he was crazy. Now after having 4 children I think he was right, my labor with you was probably the most fun.
Daddy told Grandma Susan on the phone, "He is pretty ugly, we love him, but he is UGLY." You were, your nose was smashed to one side and you had bruises and scratches all over your face. It was like you had been in a boxing ring.
So now, here you are at 4- it is so hard to believe. You weigh 35 lbs and are 40 1/2 inches tall putting you at 50/50%. You are a very joyful boy- I LOVE your laugh (except when you start to screech) and tickling you is so much fun. You are a sensitive little guy as well. You are easily scared (especially by the bears in our backyard- the ones that don't exist). You are very affectionate. You love cuddling with Mommy & Daddy. You adore your baby brother. You rarely retaliate against your little sister (who bullies you around). I love your role in our family (18 months both ways to your sisters). You play one way with Karis, following her lead and entering her world and then another way with Cia, often arguing with her over random issues and trying to get her to do what you want (problem is she hasn't learned how to follow). I pray these sisters will be good for your soul, teaching you leadership and compassion.
Your intellect remains to be seen, you don't know any letters except Q, you can count but don't really understand the concept of number to object. But you love stories and books and I hope this continues. A dear friend recently told me she thinks you are charming- I agree. I adore talking with you and learning what is going on in your brain. I love that you love to sing but not publicly. I love the conversations your stuffed animals have with you when you are going to sleep at night. I'm not yet sure how I feel about them telling you disobey but we'll work on that.
It is amazing to me that, Lord willing, this is just the beginning. Who will you be next year? Or at 12, 16, 20- I just can't imagine.
So Jotham became mighty because he ordered his ways after the Lord his God. 2 Chronicles 27:6 Oh Lord may it be so.