Monday, September 21, 2009

Our first week of school

Last week was Karis' first "official" week of kindergarten. The week went well and I was grateful for the opportunity to homeschool her. I loved how excited she was to show her Daddy and various friends her school books and what she is learning. There was nothing greater than being with her to celebrate her success in something, especially when she was surprised she succeeded! At one point she leap into my arms to hug me when she realized she had gotten something right that she has previously gotten wrong- what joy that brought me. I know that there will be tough days ahead (because there were tough days in the past) but I am thankful that God gave us such a peaceful, enjoyable week.

She is changing and growing so quickly these days. I just love her so much!

1 comment:

amy said...

what precious times, jerusha! so neat to see how you are able to oversee her learning as a mother and teacher. may your school times with her be rich and full of wonder.