Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Erik & I are so grateful to the many people who serve us so we can have a date night. It is so fun to hear stories of how the kids interact with these people. It truly is a gift to have other people investing in our children. The other night a couple came over and later we heard this story, which I share for my memory.

Just thought I'd share a story from Saturday night which I forgot about when you guys came home. We were reading the bedtime story about the Minpins and had come to a point when Little Billy had entered the Forest of Sin. There was a picture of Little Billy surrounded by huge trees in a very dark setting. It was scary.

Now, somehow, we had brought to debate what one should do if a bear came after you in the woods. Karis won the debate, which had something to do with climbing the trees and then jumping from branch to branch like Tarzan, but then Jotham piped in with an interesting scenario, he said: "If me and Karis and Mercia and Jedidiah and Mom were in the woods I would take my dad and and he would pray to the Lord to protect us."

I suppose we can look at this in two ways, there is amazing grace in Jotham's life and some of our training is getting through OR Jotham doesn't think Erik is tough enough to get a bow and arrow and kill the bear. I'm hoping it is the first.

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