Monday, July 13, 2009

Six Months

Our Little Guy has quickly turned 6 months right before our eyes. What a joy it has been having him in our family these six months. He is by far the sweetest, most content baby we have had. His joy and contentment amaze me. I know the day will come when he joins the chorus of complaints that goes on around me daily but for now I am very much enjoying his smiles and coos. Following his laid back style he doesn't do much of anything yet. He can sit up (for brief amounts of time) but he doesn't yet roll or crawl or pull up, and he doesn't say mama or dada. He is one of those babies that should make all other Mom's feel good about all the things their babies are doing (not that I'm encouraging you to sinfully compare).
I love how he relates to his siblings. He loves talking with Karis and just studies her when she talks to him. He also loves to go for her glasses. Jotham is really the only one who can make him laugh. He does this by throwing stuffed animals at him. For some reason this really delights Jedi and he cracks up. It doesn't work when I do it- something about rough-housing with your brother I suppose. Mercia loves to push him in the swing and is often saying, "Jedidiah, a happy boy!" He loves when she comes over to play with him.
The reflux medicine and the formula are really helping him. He went from 25% to 50% in weight (17 lbs. 8 oz). He is is 26 3/4 inches tall, which a little above 50%. Unfortunately he has "expensive tastes" (as the doctor called it). He drinks the hypoallergenic formula which is, no joke, 3 to 4 times as expensive as regular but the regular formula makes him miserable and we don't like that.
He is a darling boy. He loves when I sing and talk with him making such great eye contact I just never want to stop. His one great accomplishment is his grip, he can hold Erik's fingers and hang on for about 30 seconds all on his own, supporting his own body weight- it is pretty funny to watch.
Jedi- you are a joy and delight to your family. We love you so much and cannot imagine our family without you. I can't wait to see who you are going to become, what your likes and dislikes will be. I pray you will have a heart the seeks hard after God. Your named means beloved of the Lord, I hope you embrace this and cherish the truth that you are beloved as his child.


Anonymous said...

what an AWESOME photo of your little guy! so joyful! : )

Brandy said...

He's so precious! Growing quickly!

amy said...

absolutely adorable! so glad things are going well with him.