Friday, December 18, 2009

In the Beginning...

My kids have been memorizing verses from the Bible for a few years. Karis is a pro, since December 1 she has memorized Luke 2:1-20. Jotham on the other hand has some trouble. For a year he said "Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning God created the heavens and earth." But for some reason whenever I would say, "Okay Jotham say Genesis 1:1" he would look at me blankly and say, "Children, obey?" One day a few months ago I had a breakdown and made him say it 20 times in a row.

Currently he has been working on Luke 2:10-11 "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be sign for you, you will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothing and lying in a manger."

So the other day he was practicing Luke 2 and Cia was really noisy and I couldn't hear him so I said, "Hold on start in the beginning." He looked at me totally confused and said, "In the beginning, with Adam and Eve?" Yes, son I want you to recite the entire Bible up to Luke 2. My very literal son, how I love him!


christy said...

I laughed! When Maddie memorized Psalm 23 for school a month or so ago, all Caleb managed to learn was a mixed up version of 2 verses: "He weads me in gweeeeen paschuss."

The Liu Fam said...

This made laugh. What a treasure he is!

The Liu Fam said...

oops, "made me laugh" is what I meant to say!

Unknown said...

Love your posts and your little Jotham--love them all and hope to see them some day...It's fun picturing you and how you'd sound as a mom:)