Saturday, June 16, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about peace recently. Why I desire it or should I say crave it? And what exactly it means to me. The Random House dictionary has one definition that sums up my feelings, “freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquillity; serenity.” And yet I live with 3 small children who create many annoyances and distractions. My home is rarely one of tranquillity. I wanted to get a Biblical view of what peace is so I read through about 100 verses that contain the word peace (there are 366 in the bible). There were many great verses that spoke to me and convicted me (too many to mention here). As I was reading I came to this verse in Ephesians.

Ephesians 2:14, For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.

CHRIST HIMSELF IS OUR PEACE. Peace is not found in my circumstances. It is not found in getting things done without distraction. It is not found in a quiet, orderly home. The fruit of my lack of peace in Him is annoyance, anger, lack of joy, etc. I want something (order, sense of accomplishment) and I’m not getting it. But I need to find my peace in him and not in the circumstances around me. For me that means, putting aside all the other wants and finding contentment and satisfaction in Christ. He has reconciled me to himself. I have peace with God because of what He has done for me on the cross. When I focus on this truth in my daily life, those distractions and annoyances don't matter nearly as much.


Matt said...

This is excellent Jerusha and just what I needed to hear. Thanks friend.

Jonalee said...

I echo what Helen said...I've been struggling similarly the past few days. Thanks for your example of pursuing the Lord and digging deeper to get at your heart!


Mama-cita Whitney said...

glad i checked your blog today, lady! the Lord is using your reflections to encourage others (i.e. me!) and for that i thank you.

oh- and the pics of Cia are adorable. what joy! i can almost hear her giggling!

miss you, friend, kia

Kelly C said...

i just came across your blog and was so blessed by your post! it is exactly what my heart needed this morning!
kelly c

Jenn said...

Thank you for this word, truth is sweet to hear!