Friday, December 18, 2009


My wild child has turned 3. How quickly the time has gone by since she was a baby, breech in my belly and I was headed for the worst experience of my life (my c-section).

Here are some of thoughts as you turn 3:

Mercia Anew, a good name for you, because I have truly needed mercy each new day with some of your behavior. But like mercy you are so often the most precious thing I have around. Your joy and laughter are contagious and there is nothing I like better than making you laugh. Your sweet smile, bright eyes and chubby cheeks are at their cutest right now, lighting up my heart every time I see you. I love the passion you have for everything you do, you are all or nothing. You either eat all your food (with gusto)or not a bite. You climb into our laps with force making your presence known and felt. You love babies and are very sweet and gentle with them. I think you've reached your perfect age, I cannot imagine you getting any better than you are right now- foolish disobedience and all! I love you so very much and I wish you I could you keep you just like this forever (especially since you are now fully potty trained).

In the Beginning...

My kids have been memorizing verses from the Bible for a few years. Karis is a pro, since December 1 she has memorized Luke 2:1-20. Jotham on the other hand has some trouble. For a year he said "Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning God created the heavens and earth." But for some reason whenever I would say, "Okay Jotham say Genesis 1:1" he would look at me blankly and say, "Children, obey?" One day a few months ago I had a breakdown and made him say it 20 times in a row.

Currently he has been working on Luke 2:10-11 "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be sign for you, you will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothing and lying in a manger."

So the other day he was practicing Luke 2 and Cia was really noisy and I couldn't hear him so I said, "Hold on start in the beginning." He looked at me totally confused and said, "In the beginning, with Adam and Eve?" Yes, son I want you to recite the entire Bible up to Luke 2. My very literal son, how I love him!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

9 Years

Today Erik & I celebrate 9 years of marriage. How quickly the time has passed since we first met and fell in love and then joined our lives together. Marriage has been better than I ever imagined it could be. I am a blessed and happy wife to have such an amazing husband. He never ceases to lay down his life for me. He brings such joy in my life that without him I am lost. This year has been challenging for him physically with his Crohn's disease but he has never complained and he always walks with joy and faith in his suffering. I am amazed at how he pushes himself for me, the children and others, never letting any of know that it is hard.

Love, thank you for seeking me and making me your wife. I have never had any regrets for marrying you. You are and will ALWAYS be the love of my life. You bring me peace and joy and comfort and there is no one I want to spend my days with. Though I constantly fail at expressing it well, I love you so very much.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Favorite Christmas Music

I love Christmas Music and could really listen to it all year. Around our home we start officially after Halloween. I thought I'd pass on some of my favorites in case anyone was looking for something new.

Third Day's Christmas Offerings

Casting Crowns' Peace on Earth

Big Daddy Weave's Christ Is Come (this is new this year and I am very much enjoying it)

And my personal ALL TIME FAVORITE Christmas Album. Takes you on the journey through the entire Bible leading up to the birth of Christ. I cannot recommend this CD enough.

Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God. I'm not sure why it is so expensive on Amazon's site but you can also download it from here.

Anyone, have any favorites they want to pass on. My husband would recommend this but it makes me want to ... hum.. what is a nice way to say "throw up."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jotham's View of Life

I love the way our son sees things, he has a great imagination. Recently he has taken to drawing. He said, I don't want to just scribble anymore and he started actually making things. For awhile it was mostly fire and rockets but today he came down and presented me with this drawing of me.

This is his description: "This is you. These are your rosy checks (the red circles NOT on my face). This is your joyful happy face. This is the baby in your tummy. This (the lines and drawing on the outside) is the fire and dragons and scary stuff."

And yes, it is accurate that there is a baby in my tummy (due early July).