Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Results...

Unfortunately are inconclusive. Basically this means the 5 biopsies the doctor took came back negative for cancer, infection and tuberculosis. It also probably means the doctor wasn't able to reach the exact spot, which we knew was a possibility. The doctor is hopeful that it is just an "insidious infection." He wants to try to hit it harder with antibiotics for 4 to 6 weeks and then do another CAT scan.

Though the last two rounds of antibiotics for 10 days each made Erik pretty sick (he couldn't really eat) we are planning on going this route because the only other real option is the evasive surgery which would require 3 to 4 days in the hospital with 4 to 6 weeks recovery. Because of Jedidiah's pending arrival we wouldn't be able to do this for several weeks anyway. We are hoping and praying that after the weeks of antibiotics the CAT scan would be clear. He will start the antibiotics in a few day, when I get home from the hospital. We are also seeking a second opinion.

In the meantime, please pray for God to continue to sustain Erik through this treatment and that if a next step is necessary God would guide us in the right direction.


Brandy said...

Praying for you and your family regarding Erik's health and the upcoming birth of your baby boy. Blessings to you all!

Rachel said...

Hi Jerusha, I've been checking your blog since Erik called for advice on whether to go to the ER that night to see what the news is... we will continue to pray for you guys! (and for a safe delivery as well!)

amy said...

will definitely continue praying for you all!