Monday, January 26, 2009


In this season, with a new baby and 3 needy children, I am reminded again that I cannot accomplish what I want to. I don't get what I want, from children who don't complain to a house that is organized and clean, it just isn't going to happen. I was cleaning my desk today and came across this quote that really served me. Unfortunately I'm not sure who said it or wrote it since I didn't write a reference on the index card. Anyway, here it is:

"My pride drives my expectations. I deserve... My arrogance and sense of entitlement inflates my expectations of what I should get today, what he should bestow. O Heart, do not make the dangerous shift to expectations. Remember, He owes me nothing. I owe Him everything."

If you happen to know who said or wrote this please let me know.


Beth said...

After Googling it, I found it here. I hope that helps. :) Also, those are some great, helpful thoughts!

Beth said...

Ha ha. Sorry about that. I forgot to include the link:

Unknown said...

jerusha, this is outstanding and timely for me. thank you for posting.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jerusha,

Thank you for your post...very helpful! Congratulations on your new addition! We are very excited for you. When you are ready for a visit let us know.

Love you and miss you,

Gina said...

I am RIGHT there with you and God has been so patient with me as I start to "get it". Thank you for the incredible and humbling email. Very special.
Love you.

amy said...

what a great reminder, jerusha! i'm going to write that down myself. =)