Saturday, May 31, 2008


This is from the Clarkson's, Educating the WholeHearted Child:

"Regardless of the circumstances you face, you have the ability to remain faithful to God. In the end, the measure of your success in homeschooling will not be how well your children perform on achievement tests, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength in the process of discipling and educating them. Be faithful."

I found this quote a helpful reminder of what is really important. Not the outcome but the process of being faithful to God. It is not just applicable to homeschooling but to all of parenting (and life). I could easily change this quote to say:

In the end, the measure of your success in mothering will not be how well your children sleep through the night, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength through those sleepless nights.


In the end, the measure of your success in mothering will not be how well your children obey your first command, but how faithful you have been to trust God for his grace and strength in training and disciplining them.


Cara said...

Outstanding reminder, Jerusha. Thanks.

amy said...

definitely! i am constantly amazed (even though i shouldn't be) at how i measure myself against what william is or isn't doing, rather than working to be faithful to what the Lord has called me to. it is about fighting the tendency to be self-focused to instead trust and walk faithfully in what God has for me.

great and helpful thoughts, jerusha!

Jonalee said...

I need to borrow some of your books!!