Since we someday plan on homeschooling our children I have been asking Home school Moms that I know what "general" home school books they have found helpful. A friend recently gave me The Spiritual Power of a Mother by Michael P. Farris. There was lots of good stuff in this little book, chapter 9 was particularly good. Anyway, a few quotes I liked.
"Your children need a sane mother far more than they need a support group."
I thought I could change this to many different things:
Your children need a sane mother far more than they need to go to story time at the library.
Your children need a sane mother far more than they need a clean bathroom.
Your children need a sane mother far more than they need to eat homemade bread.
The list could go on but I think it is helpful for gaining perspective.
Just a paragraph later he writes:
"Academic success goes hand in hand with the personal sanity of the teaching parent. Successful moms are happy moms who have established real priorities for themselves and their children."
Later in the book he talks about complaining. Since I am such a complainer at heart (and my kids have inherited my sin) I liked this one:
"A complainer is attempting to take control of the situation. A complainer is demanding a solution...becoming a complainer drags you away from the key to your joy- that is, contentment."
Hey Jerusha! I love your stories. You're such a fun mom! Can you pass some of those book titles on to me? I'd love to study homeschooling a little more and could use a starting point.
good stuff jerusha! i really love that quote about complaining. so true! and i agree with kelly... even though we have homeschooling down the road, i'd love to hear of those resource :)
even though i'm not a mommy, this was helpful! love your posts!
i'm gonna look for that book! please do post other books you've found helpful as well!
miss you and your family!
yes, i concur! please do pass along those homeschooling resources. and thanks for the quote about the definition of a complainer. never thought of it that way, so it was very helpful.
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