Monday, April 21, 2008

A New Favorite Spot

A few weeks ago I was going to take the kids down to DC for the Kite Festival during the Cherry Blossom Festival. After seeking some counsel and just evaluating the situation I realized it would just not be a good idea for me to do something like this without Erik. I figured I would either lose on of the kids or I might be tempted to leave one of them behind (just kidding), I did realize that 3 kids, 1 Mama, a cold day, the metro, in a busy city is probably not the best combination for me. Anyway, I had told Karis that we were going to do something special that day so I felt like I needed to come up with something. That something has now become one of our favorite spots to visit.
Black Hills is a local regional park that has a "lake" and trails and also a really nice playground. The kids LOVED gathering rocks and throwing them in the water. In fact Jotham loved it so much that when I went to the playground the other day and not the water he was crying.
I didn't take any pictures the day I went alone with the kids but Erik and I brought them back a few days later and I snapped that day. It was really warm and Karis couldn't resist putting her feet in.

This is the "baby" pinecone that Jotham found and was quite attached to. He was so sweet with it. He gave it some of his orange juice to drink and took care of it - till he smashed with his love.

On another note, little Cia has finally made the transition to being a walker. It is so cute to watch- one of my favorite early childhood developments.

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