Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tree Pollen

One of the things that Jotham has inherited from his granddad is his allergies. Poor boy does not do well in tree pollen season. Last year, his eyes were swollen for weeks and his entire body was a rash- a really big rash. This years, his eyes are swollen and itchy (but not nearly as bad)and his rash is mostly on his legs (totally scratched up from his itching). Here is a picture of him at the allergist the other day. The most humorous (at least to us) part of his allergies is his sneezing. Everyday, a little after he wakes up he sneezes 18 times in a row. It is gross but pretty funny with how many times he actually sneezes.
On an update note- Jotham has been doing "his duty" on the potty. Not all the time but enough that I am encouraged that with some effort on my part he might not be 16 and need a diaper change.


amy said...

poor thing! what a cutie though. you'll have to tell me what the allergist is doing to help jotham. we suspect william has allergies to the pollen since he's had a runny nose for over 2 weeks now. =P

and yea for jotham's potty duty!!

Jonalee said...

He looks SO grown up!! Poor little guy. We'll be praying for him.