Monday, April 21, 2008

A Huge Thanks

This is a special thank you to all of our dear friends who helped me last week with surprising Erik. If you know Erik you know he LOVES surprises and he is extremely hard to surprise because he is always guessing exactly what has been planned. So last week he was away all week at the Together for the Gospel Conference. We have been wanting to paint our office since we moved in but have not had the time. So while he was away I recruited some excellent help from our dear friends to paint it. Orginally I contacted one of them, Denny, and asked him if he could help me paint. I don't what I was thinking. There is NO way that Denny and I could have done it on our own. Denny, being the smart man that he is recruited lots of other friends and I got a few others (care group leaders) to help prep and paint the whole office. Needless to say, Erik was VERY suprised and EXTREMELY blessed. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture before we started so I only have one from before we moved in. You can see the beige paint everywhere and the wallpaper. The office is now yellow, gray and white (thank you Denny for picking the colors). It looks fantastic! A special thanks to both Denny (who helped me plan everything and organized the work) and John (who can back on Wednesday by himself while I was a cg ladies meeting and but second and third coats on the white and yellow- making the room look MUCH better). I never could have accomplished this without these dear friends and their wives who released them to come help.


amy said...

wow, jerusha! that room looks amazing! and what a blessing of the friendships you have.

Seth and Janet said...

that looks great! inspires me to go paint a room in our house ;)