Friday, September 28, 2007

Ears Update

We took little Girlie to the ENT on Monday and he said that after 3 ear infections for a child below 1 year old they should get tubes. She’s had 8! But because 7 of them were before we knew about her milk allergy he said to count it as 1. We see him again in a month and if she has another one than he thinks she should get tubes. It is a bit disappointing but I’m learning to trust in God more. We know that God has designed her ears and if tubes are the best thing for her than God will make that clear.

I would love prayer though for the whole allergy thing. Honestly, I’m a bit overwhelmed by her food allergies. I don’t know what to feed her. It seems like anything can set her off and I don’t even know what those things are. I think I am trying so hard for her to not have an allergic reaction so that her ears will stay clear. I am realizing I need to just LET GO. Obviously I’m not going to give her milk but I think I need to loosen up a bit.

Anyway, any prayers for her healing and my heart would be appreciated!


Mama-cita Whitney said...

we will be praying for little mercia and you. and not that you need to be reminded but God created you and mercia AND He, in His kindness, chose you to be her Mommy and her to be your daughter. allow Him to accomplish His will through this challenge, my friend!

Jenn said...

Jerusha, I will be praying for you. Thank you for sharing. I am sorry little Cia has been so sick. Grace to you

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you, too, Jerusha. Jesus will help and He knows what to do.
Much love and peace to you,