Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dirty Boys

Our Jotham loves to get dirty. In fact there is little he does that doesn't involve somehow either making a mess or getting dirty. He eats yogurt and the bowl winds up on his head. He paints and the brush (with paint on it) goes up his nose. Well one of his favorite things to play in is puddles. When he finds a puddle he wants at it. So with all the rain we've been having we had a bit of a lake in our front yard. Every time I opened the front door Jotham would say, "A puddle, a puddle, shoes on, shoes on." So I said to Erik let's just let him go out there after dinner (right before his bath) and see what he does. We were having our friends the Smith's over and we suggested the idea to them to see if their son would like to participate- Carson was all for it (that boys has some hops). Here are a few pictures.

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