Saturday, July 10, 2010


This is the number that put Titus (& me) back in the hospital for a couple of days at least.

Yesterday morning when he woke up he felt warm and as the day went on it continued when I took his temp at 1 pm it was 100.7, which for a newborn is considered a fever. About 20 minutes later it had gone up to 100.9, I called our doctor and he told me to bring him to the ER. His temp here was the same and they began to do a "work-up" on him, urine sample, blood tests, spinal tap. Our poor boy was a trooper though it all. Mommy was a bit emotional and Daddy was our rock through it all.

Last night the spinal tap came back with high white blood cell indicating that there is an infection in his spinal colomn, which could mean menigitis. He seems to be responding well to the antibotics they have him on (no fever since the middle of the night).

Please pray for our little guy (& me). There is a chance that we could be here for 14 days. I'm living in the hope that it won't be that long.


sarah said...

praying for you, titus and your entire family!
~sarah h.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you. I thought and prayed for you many times on our trip home today. We are sad that we will miss seeing you again, but looking forward to the day that we will. Know that you are thought of much and that we love you all dearly.


Helen said...

Oh Jerusha!
I'm so sorry to hear this. I am praying for you, my friend. And for little Titus to heal quickly. We love you all-so wish I could be of some practical help to you all.

christy said...

We've been praying for you all, Jerusha!

kelly ploon said...

So sorry, Jerusha. Praying for your little guy and grace for you as you care for him.

Heather said...

Dear friend, I'm praying for you... for grace to sustain you. One of the hardest things in life is to watch your little one suffer. I'll be carrying you on my heart.

Prellis said...

Praying for you my friend. Please let us know if there is any way we can serve you!

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry! We will be praying for you all!

Katie said...

Oh scary, I am sure! We will pray for a quick recovery and for God's peace to reign in your soul.

Unknown said...

We are so sorry to hear this news. How scary!! Poor baby boy has no clue :( Sending prayers your way...for all of you!! Love you guys!

aprilleesnyder said...

Praying the time flies and that you are at perfect peace as you wait for the Lord's timing.