Monday, June 21, 2010

Cherry Picking

Karis' favorite fruit are cherries, she loves all fruit but she really loves cherries. Since she has a such a cheap maybe I should frugal mom she rarely gets them. But a local pick your own happen to have sweet cherries this year (which for our area is pretty rare) so a few Saturday's ago I branched out of my comfort zone and took 4 kids cherry picking.

We had a lot of fun picking A LOT of cherries and the result was many evenings of full bellies and also a sweet cherry pie. Karis was actually a GREAT picker, very helpful, unlike my other assistants who only ate cherries and complained about how hot it was.

On another note, I decided to buy a Cherry Pitter and this is now my favorite little kitchen gadget, guess I might have to start buying cherries after all.


Gina said...
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Gina said...

Sorry, the last comment was a total mess. What i want to say is that I need to get me one them there cherry-pitters so i can stop sneaking cherries to the older kids while Sadie isn't looking. I HATE having to pit each and every cherry for her by biting it in half.