Friday, June 18, 2010



"Nesting brings about some unique and seemingly irrational behaviors in pregnant women and all of them experience it differently."


This week I have painted a room, pulled out all baby gear & clothes (or rather sent my husband into the attic to find them), washed them (along with the rest of the family laundry), made curtains, changed outlets and light switches, hung an screen on our awning, moved all of Jedi's things in Jotham's room, scrubbed the floor in Titus' newly painted room. I feel an uncontrollable urge to get things done. Am I being irrational?

The official date of delivery at this point is June 29th. Our little man is breech (this is the 3rd one who is) so the doctor will do an External Cephalic Version and if successful then I'll be induced right after, if not I'll have another c-section.

We all can't wait to meet our new little man.


Cara said...

We're praying for you.

amy said...

mad props to you for getting all that done with 4 kids in tow! ;) praying for you guys as well!

Jonalee said...

I remember those urges. what is it about the baby coming that makes you want to start all kinds of crazy projects? It's NOT rational. =)

Unknown said...

This is too good...and I didn't know about the breech history...I'll pray the version only wish is that we could say "harness" this nesting crazy beautiful productivity for other keys times like when we are leaving for overseas in 3 days and need to get so much done! love you!!!!!!!!!!!