Thursday, January 14, 2010


On January 6th, Jedidiah turned 1 year old. It amazing to me that one year has already passed since he was born. He has been by far our easiest child. He is sweet and affectionate, he sleeps great and though his eating has been an issue he seems to be improving. I love how his eyes light up with joy and pleasure when someone gets down on a ground to play with him. I love how he loves playing with his siblings and tolerates their roughness very well. I truly can't imagine how our life would be without him.

On another note I think this year having Jedidiah has given me a new perspective on mothering. I used to see older people out and they would say to me, "Enjoy them, it goes by quick." In my haste, I would usually move quickly from their comment to the next thing I had to do. In God's kindness and grace I can say that right now I enjoy my children more than anything else. There are, of course, daily challenges but even admits all the work that needs to get done I am in a season of really loving them for who they are and not for what I hope they become. If I could I would keep them all exactly the way they are right now, 6 and learning to read, 4 and wanting to be brave, 3 and love everything about life, 1 and totally dependent for everything. I am sure there are days when it wouldn't be true but for the most part if someone were to say to me, "Enjoy them, it goes by quick." I can say, "I am and yes it does."

1 comment:

amy said...

happy b-day, cowboy! what a cutie! loved also hearing about you enjoying your children for the gifts that they are.