Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It has been awhile since I've posted so I thought I'd do a little update on the family.

Erik- many of you know that his health has been not so good over the past few months. The lung issue and the antibiotics used to clear that up caused his Crohn's Disease to flare up to the worst it has ever been. He is now taking steroids to control that and Lord willing will wean off of these in the next few months. We are grateful for our doctor and medication and pray that he'll be back to normal soon.

Karis- She is a wonderful little girl. She helps out so much around home. She is learning to read, which is very exciting for me. It is hard work for her but she continues to make great progress. She would tell you that she doesn't like school but everyday when we are done she asks to do more. She loves to wear dresses and is trying hard to convert Mercia to her ways, whenever she gets her dressed in the morning Mercia is wearing a dress. She and Mercia have been sharing a room for a few months and we love listening to them sing in the morning when they wake up.

Jotham- He is at such a fun stage. More boy than baby, but still some baby in there. He is sensitive and scared by little things but getting more brave. He LOVES Jedidiah and I have to say his tenderness toward his little brother warms my heart. He does not know any of his letters but has expressed some interest in learning them.

Mercia- She is handful. She sort of runs/hops everywhere and it is so cute, I just love it. She has her opinions and lets them be know, especially when she doesn't get her way. She has now enjoyed pizza and ice cream. She thinks things with cheese in it are "spicy" but she very much enjoyed her first ice cream cone and was very upset with the idea of having to share it. This picture is her enjoying her first cone, I wish I had a picture of her eyes when she got to the cone. You would have thought we had given her gold. I don't think she realized that she was going to eat the thing she was holding so she was very excited!

Jedidiah- He is a sweet and easy baby. He sleeps great and is usually pretty calm. He seems to have a milk allergy so I am not eating any dairy. We have noticed clear signs of his aversion whenever I do it. He is getting more social but hasn't been the most smiley baby. At his 2 month visit he weighed 12 lbs. 5 oz (50-75%), he was 23 inches long (50%) and his head was also 50%. I'm not sure who he looks like but several people have said he resembles my Dad, which would be nice since they have the same middle name and have similar birthdays. Sad to say, I don't have many pictures of him but here is one from the other day.


Unknown said...

So glad to be re-connected and to have an update on your family. I can't believe the last time we saw you was when you were pregnant with Karis! Praying for Erik and oh how I think Mercia looks like him! (personality to match??) Hugs to you all, Abby:)

Gina said...

Love to hear about your family. Sorry to hear about Erik, I thought all was well. I will be praying again.
Perhaps Jotham and Sammy should spend more time together. Maybe some of Jotham's tenderness will rub off on Sammy and some of Sammy's "bravery" on Jotham. He is so cute.
Miss you.

amy said...

jedidiah is becoming quite the cutie!!