Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Karis said...

So my girlie is very dramatic, especially when she gets slightly injured (Erik would say she gets this from me). I am not exactly Miss. Compassion so I think she turns on the tears to try to get a response from me, which sadly doesn't work in her favor as I usually get less compassionate. But enough about me and my sin and onto her very humorous remark today...

I was feeding Jedi and the others were upstairs playing in their rooms, I hear the crying getting louder as it is coming towards me. I put on my best compassionate heart and asked her why she was crying. She showed me her thumb, which was actually bleeding slightly (giving me a bit more compassion). I asked her how it happened and she told me. She calmed down and I asked her to go get a band-aid and I'd put it on for her. When she came back with the band-aid she said, "Mommy, I think this hurts worser than when you have a baby." I laughed and said I don't think so, but she is still convinced. So I told her I'd write down that she thinks a little boo-boo on her thumb hurts more than having a baby and one day when she has a baby she can let me know.


Mama-cita Whitney said...

very cute and funny!

amy said...

jerusha, you crack me up. i think i'm the same way about being not so compassionate. but what karis said was so funny! you should definitely remind her when she's delivering her first baby.

Kelly C said...

this made me totally crack up. thanks for sharing!