Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Baby Girl

We had our official sonogram a week or so ago and the tech confirmed that it looks like a girl. We are so excited. We are planning on naming her.... Jubilee Resounds Sandra Sheffer.

The bible talks about the year of Jubilee, which come every fifty years. It is a year when land should lay fallow, should be restored to its rightful owner and when slaves are set free. The biblical word in of itself doesn't give the meaning for joy. But it seems like the when you say the word people equate it with joy (probably because of jubilation). For me, Jubilee means joy that comes from freedom. In the past 3 years, God has taught me so much about grace and the freedom that Christ gives to his children, it has transformed my life in many ways and so I love the name Jubilee for our last little girl because if nothing else parenting has/is teaching me that I am free in Christ and that my righteousness comes only through Christ. The reality of this truth is something that I want to go shout from the rooftops, hence Resounds.

Her second middle name is Sandra, in honor my mother-in-law, who will soon know the real freedom that Christ brings when she enters his kingdom, free from sin and suffering, welcomed as a child is welcomed home. She will be greatly missed and always remembered.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Love,love,love the name. So happy for you guys.