Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Busy Fall

This blog seems to have been abandoned by me. Just for the sake of my own memory here is a short synopsis of our busy fall.

In Mid October my wonderful Mom & Dad took our family and my brother's family to Orlando. We had a wonderful time visiting the parks, enjoying the pool at our resort and mostly just time with family. Our kids LOVE their cousins- all of them, all the time, they cannot get enough of them!

Turns out the first ride we went on at Animal Kingdom, the Dinosaur Institute, scared the daylights out of my kids and they henceforth unable to go on any other ride! So Disney looked different than I expected but there is so much there, entertainment, parades, etc, that they still had a great time. We also went to Sea World, which we LOVED, Erik & I almost cried during the dolphin show (though I'm not sure he wants that info to get out- too bad). We also got to feed the dolphins which was highlight.

This fall we also found out that Titus is allergic to Eggs, Milk, Peanuts & Soy- not that he was actually eating any of that- but I was and he was becoming increasingly miserable by his horrible skin. I have since stopped nursing him and his skin is MUCH better. Not sure why we have such allergic babies but we trust that God has the best for them.

Mercia got hit in the face by the wood swing in our front yard, actually this was the second time this happened to her. She looks much better now but she has a pretty bad hematoma on her cheek- we are hoping that it doesn't calcify into a permanent lump.

So that is a brief synopsis of our fall. If you know us at all you know we LOVE Christmas and start celebrating early, really early, right after Halloween I start playing Christmas music. So we are in full swing Christmas mode already.


amy said...

poor mercia!! she totally looks like she was in a fight. will be praying for quick healing. =) and it's so wonderful that you got to visit disneyworld. i think it's one of the most wonderful places! ;) (sigh...)

Jonalee said...

Oh poor girl!! That looks awful! Glad she's able to smile about it now.