I often tell people that I am not creative, I guess this is only partially true. The real truth is that I am not crafty. I am purely a girl of function, beauty is second-rate compared to function in my world. So I had a problem. In planning for our school year I didn't have any place to hang maps. I looked at getting those pull-down classroom maps but they were over $200 and that just isn't in the budget. So in a rare creative, somewhat crafty moment I thought why I don't I just try to make my own using vinyl shades and these paper maps that I have. I spent $12 and probably a hour and half and this is what I got.
I am so pleased with my results- I hope they last BUT even if they don't I only spent $12.
Bravo, Jerusha! Creativity that fills a practical need is no less creative than the kind beautifies or entertains. :) I'll be calling you if I ever have to squeeze a school room into this little house of ours.
WOW!!! Impressive, friend! I'm sending 3 kiddos over for Geography!
it looks great, jerusha! way to go!
way to go! I love it! Ditto what Helen said. have any more room in your classroom?=)
I do remember this about you...but you are handy--I don't know if I could have hung them so well! Great Job! Is this your "classroom" in your house where they are??
Very nice idea, Jerusha! You know what "they" say....necessity is the Mother of invention. Maybe you just never "needed" to be creative in classical ways--you were busy being creative in other ways. :-)
I think you're great.
i love that idea! if only i could learn the trick to hanging things straight. seriously, that is brilliant! thanks for sharing!
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