Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I know there are some Mommy's out there who read this blog and I'm looking for some sound Mommy advice. I've been thinking of switching to cloth diapers- crazy right- so give me some thoughts for or against.

* By the way, not the type you pin but the more modern velcro type that are one size fits all.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Just wanted to post a some technical updates on the kids (more for my memory than anyone else):

Karis- has recently started riding a bike (with trainers) really well. She was riding some before but with difficulty. We have taken her on trails and now she is flying around on our deck- she loves it and she was even giving Jotham rides the other day. She is growing in her knowledge and love for God's word and we love to hear everyday what she is learning. She is big helper here at home, getting diapers, clearing the table, etc. I'm grateful to have such a wonderful little girl as our oldest.

Jotham- at his three year checkup (in May) weighed 31 lbs (50%) and was 37 1/4 inches tall (50%). He also has recently started peddling a bike. He has trouble getting started but can keep it going after a push. He learned his colors (for the most part) and he is potty trained (except for nighttime). He is still amazingly clueless when it comes to certain things. He was playing with his friend Carson the other day for two hours when he came in the house and said, "Jon, isn't being nice to me." Mom, "His name is not Jon." Jotham, "What's his name?"

Mercia- she had her 18 month checkup (at 19 months) and was 24.3 lbs (25-50%) and 33 inches tall (75%). She is walking well now and saying about 25 words, which probably only Mommy understands. She loves babies and has tried to carry a real baby around (though he probably weighs as much as she does)- but she loved him and that's what matters. She keeps us on our toes, depending on God's grace for each day. She adds a lot of joy to our lives.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Over the past few months (we started end of May) we have been working on adding a new deck onto the back of our house. This project has been some years in the making. The house came with one medium size deck off the family room and one very small (could barely fit a chair) deck off the dining room. Our original desire was to have steps into the backyard, have two decks the same size and a bridge connecting them. After the county rejected those plans we decided that we would just make one large deck across the back of the house.

Now, the MOST important thing to mention in all of this is that we would not and could not do something like this without my Dad. My Dad is simply amazing (in all ways but especially when it comes to construction). He drew the plans and then redrew them and then he basically built the entire deck, with help from Erik and many friends (who pitched in from time to time). My Dad can basically do ANYTHING when it comes to building. He once told my aunt that if she could think of it he could build it (this was when he completely gutted and renovated her house). He has over the past several years, tiled the kitchen in our bathroom, added chair rail, added an additional bathroom, moved a huge shed by himself using levers, installed a patio, built custom bookshelves. He did all that in our townhouse which we sold a few years ago. When we moved into our current home he remodeled the basement making one huge bedroom into two smaller ones, he installed a double oven, installed 3 sliders and converted one slider into a window, fixed various electrical problems with house, gutted our old master bath, remodeled it and installed a washer and dryer on our second floor. His most recent project is the deck. In all these projects his ability to work constantly amazes me. He puts in 60 hours in 4 days and then at 9:30 at night drives home to NJ. He is truly gifted.

He has done all this for his daughter (who he loves), he has served his son (who he also loves) with remodeling and putting several additions on his house, I already mentioned my aunt, he has also helped various other family members. You might think he is a great guy for serving all these people in his family but he has also in recent years (as he entered partial retirement) remodeled a strangers house (someone whose house was destroyed in a flood). He goes on missions trips to New Orleans, Africa and Nicaragua. I imagine he would go anywhere to help someone in need. He uses his gifts for God's service and glory.
Dad, I know you hate being honored but we are tremendously grateful for your help (that doesn't seem like the right word) in building this deck. It has already made a huge impact on our family. The kids love being out there and we already enjoyed such sweet family times together.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Shore

One of the highlights of our summer is going to the shore to stay with Erik's parents and then to stay with my parents (we are BLESSED with two sets of grandparents with beach houses in NJ). This year's trip was a blast. There were so many memories that instead of listing everything we did I just wanted to list a few highlight.

Mercia Highlight-Our littlest loved the beach. She was very happy to walk around and she walked right into the ocean without thinking anything of it. She didn't care that the sand was everywhere (including in her mouth while she ate pretzels and graham crackers out of sandy hand).

Jotham Highlight- He is thus far our most fearful child. As a baby and toddler he has been scared of the sand and the ocean. The first year we took him he was stuck to me like glue and screamed if I attempted to put him down. The next year he was okay with the sand but wouldn't go near the water. This year, after some initial fear and some firm prodding from us, he actually went in the ocean and enjoyed it.

We didn't have great weather at my parent's house so one day we went to the local aquarium. Jotham loved this and really talked about it for a few days. He keep wanted to see the sharks again. He also LOVED the rides on the boardwalk, I think his favorite was the motorcycle, he was very focused on it, I think he really thought he was driving it. He started to cry when it stopped.

Karis Highlight- She loved the beach and ocean this year. The water was pretty chilly otherwise I think she would have gone in even more. In Sea Isle, she loved riding the boogie board while Grammer pulled her around. Karis also loved playing with her cousins (especially Hannah).

There are so many other memories of our time but that will have to do for now.